Travel blog

Ajanta Caves

Ajanta – is a whole complex of cave temples in India. The period to which the date of their foundation belongs refers to the era of the reign of the Guptus empire. This temple in the dungeon was created over several centuries, changing its owners. The ajant has the appearance of a number of caves t...

Yungang Grottoes

Yungang Grottoes is China's oldest attraction, thanks to cave grottas that were cut down here about 15 centuries ago. This area, which attracts many tourists, is located 400 km. from Beijing. Political aspects gradually transformed Indian Buddhism into the Chinese religion. Buddhism has not played ...

Siena Cathedral

Siena Cathedral is located in the tourist center of Italy in the city of Siena and is an excellent architectural creation in the style of Italian Gothic. It was built in the form of a Latin cross in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the octagonal foundation of the building, with...

Tara River Canyon

The Tara River is the longest in Montenegro with a length of 144 km, and its canyon is the second largest in the world. The river is named after the Autariate tribe, living in the neighborhood in the 4-5th century. Water is considered very clean and transparent, it is allowed to be used without prio...

Ambroise Castle

Ambroise Castle rises in the geographical center of France over the Loire River. This majestic structure combines the Middle Ages with the Renaissance. Its history begins even from the time of the Celts, when the first fortifications were erected. The current type of castle began to acquire in the 1...

Valley of flowers

The – Valley of Flowers is an incredibly beautiful place located in India. This national park has found its place in the middle of the Himalayas Mountains. The reserve is famous for its excellent meadows of flowers, which have a bright color and stupefying aroma. The valley of flowers was announced...

Hawa Mahal

The Hawa Mahal Palace is a masterpiece of Indian architecture, a wonderful creation of Indian masters in the form of a fifteen-meter five-story cone building. It is located in the center of the Indian city of Jaipur. The construction is dedicated to God Krishna, and his appearance is like a crown de...

Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

The Magic Fountain of Montjuic – is a wonderful colorful fountain of Barcelona. It is a fairy show, which crowds of people are going to watch. Montjuic is dedicated to the World Exhibition, which took place here during 1929-1930. The foundation was built by a little more than 3 thousand people. Thi...

Kromerizh Castle

Kromerizh Castle was built in 1260 in the middle of the center of the Maraviy district in the Czech Republic, where the Morava River flows. Here, near the Khrzhiby Mountain itself, a whole complex of castle structures has been erected that represent a wonderful Baroque style. The area where the cas...

Genoese Fortress in Sudak

Genoese Fortress – is a historical monument located in Sudak. It is a real business card of this sea city. Strong walls with teeth will surely interest any traveler who has entered Sudak. In spring, the Genoese fortress is located among the green color, but in the summer and autumn, it takes on a ye...

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