Travel blog

Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave – belongs to the longest cave complexes of the whole world. Its total length, today, fixed at 580 km. But in this territory, speleologists are constantly working, thanks to which more and more underground spaces are opening. This wonderful underworld has formed in the east of the United...

Window to the world

Window to the world is a famous Chinese theme park located in Shenzhen, which belongs to China. This huge park complex houses about 130 architectural monuments known to the whole world. Here, on an area of 480 thousand meters2, Egyptian pyramids concentrated, the Grand Canyon, whose twin brother is ...

Loch Ness

Loch Ness is the largest freshwater lake located in the north of the UK. The area of the pond covers an area of about 65 km2, and its depth is more than 230 meters. A lake was formed about 300 million years ago during the melting of glaciers near the hollow of the earth's crust, as a result of the d...

Kungur Ice Cave

Kungur Ice Cave is a wonderful attraction in Russia. It is one of the largest karst caves in the whole world and is the most popular place of the Urals. The location of the Kungur cave – is Perm Territory, the village of Filippovka on the banks of the Sylva River. The cave is about 5700 meters long...

Cardiff Castle

Cardiff Castle is located in Glamorganshire in the center of Cardiff, being the most beautiful decoration of the entire Kingdom of Great Britain. The history of this castle began more than two thousand years ago, then Roman soldiers erected the first fortifications. Two centuries later, a new fortre...

Kiyosumi Garden

Kiyosumi is a wonderful Japanese garden where both residents of the city and its guests love to spend time. This paradise has found its place in Tokyo. At the time of Edo, the merchant’s garden was located on the local territory, but later ( 1878 – 1885 ) it was acquired and ennobled by Ivasaki Yata...


The bear pit, as well as the Bear Park, which was equipped in 2009, are a significant attraction of all of Bern, which belongs to Switzerland. Until recently, these funny animals could even be fed, as well as photographed against their background. The existence of the Bear Pit in Bern has been know...

Longmen Grottoes

Longmen is a temple cave located on the territory of two mountains of China. The total length of the caves occupies about one kilometer along the slope of the mountain. The temple complex got its name through the similarity of the mountains located opposite each other and the river with gates flowin...

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel – is an excellent architectural monument that has gained worldwide fame thanks to its chic interior decoration. The chapel was erected back in the 15th century by decree of Sixtus lV, whose name it bears. The location of the Sistine Chapel is the Vatican. The construction was led by ...

Mamayev Kurgan

Mamayev Kurgan rises in the center of Volgograd at an altitude of 102 meters. The name of the mound has 2 versions: the first is associated with the name of Khan Mamaia, as they say that his tribe used the locality of the mound for review. The second version of – is a translation of the word « mamai...

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