Travel blog

Buda Castle

Buda Castle – is a magnificent building located in Budapest ( the capital of Hungary ). Previously, she was known as the Royal Palace, because at one time, there was a residence of the Hungarian kings. In 2002, Buddha Castle was added to the UNESCO list. Buda Castle simply delights representativene...

Kailasa Temple

Kailasa Temple is a Hindu temple located in the central part of the courtyard cut through in the basalt mountain. The uniqueness of the temple structure lies in the fact that it is not built, but cut out from a rock. The temple complex is considered the most important of the cave temples in Ellor an...


Champs Elysees are considered the most important street of Paris, which begins from the Place de Concorde and reaches Charles de Gaulle Square. In size, the street is one of the largest – width is 70 meters, the length is slightly more than 1900 meters. This most important attraction of the capital...

Hungarian Parliament Building

The Hungarian Parliament Building is located in the capital of the country – Budapest, on the banks of the Danube River. The style of this building resembles the Westminster Palace. This building is the most magnificent, representative and large in all of Hungary. The planning of this grandiose bui...

Château d'If

If Castle found its place in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea on the small island of the Friul archipelago. It was built back in 1527-1531 to protect the French city of Marseille from the sudden invasions of sea conquerors. If Castle is located one mile from the city coastline in an area of 30,00...

Ruby Falls

In a small town called Chattanooga in Tennessee, there is an amazing sight in the form of an underground waterfall called Ruby Falls. This attraction is a real highlight of one of the karst caves of this area. Ruby Falls Falls is in a stream of water from 50 meters high, demonstrating its power and ...

Great Dismal Swamp

Virginia, which belongs to America, has a real swampy place known as the Great Gloomy Swamp. This mysterious area, which is completely flooded with stagnant water, is located between the Atlantic coast and the foot of the ridge. This corner of wildlife is a nature reserve and is protected by the sta...

Big Ben

Big Ben – famous watches set on the tower of the London Parliament, at an altitude of about 100 meters above the embankment of the Thames River. The construction of the tower is part of the Westminster Palace and is its most famous part. This palace was previously the haven of kings. Inside it there...

Angers Castle

Anger Castle is located in the west of France in the city of the same name. It rises above the Men River on a hilltop and is the highest point of the area. Initially, the purpose of the building was to protect the Romans from enemy attacks. Later, the castle was rebuilt into a luxurious palace. Ange...

Lake Svetloyar

Lake Svetloyar – is one of the most magnificent lakes in Russia, which is generously endowed with various legendary stories and myths. It belongs to the Nizhny Novgorod region and is the largest and deepest body of water of this region. Its area is about 12 hectares, and in the most advanced place, ...

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