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Santorini – an island of volcanic origin of the Aegean Sea, which is the southernmost part of the land of the Kibladsk archipelago. It is located 200 km from Greece. The island received its name on behalf of the Church of St. Irina, which over time turned into one word of Santorini. The Greeks call ...

Havana Revolution Museum

The Museum of the Revolution is located in the historical center of Havana in Cuba. In the past, the museum’s buildings were composed of the presidential palace complex, which served as a residence for the ruling presidents of this camp. In 1974, a museum was created here in order to preserve the hi...

Esterházy Palace

Esterházy Palace is located in western Hungary in the city of Ferter. He was erected by representatives of the princely family of Esterhazi. Initially, in 1720 a small hunting castle was built. But after the inheritance passed into the hands of Miklos Esterhazi, work began on the reconstruction of t...

Memento Park

Memento Park in Budapest was created as a historical center reminding residents of the city and its guests about the communist system that ruled the country. Now Hungary is a democratic state, although traces of the past do not forget about themselves. Nowadays, Memento Park is an excellent histori...

Széchenyi thermal bath

A very crowded and noisy place in Hungary is Varosliget Park, which is facilitated by the famous thermal baths of Sechenia, which are located here. This institution in Budapest is the oldest and largest complex building of its kind, which initially resembles some kind of medieval palace ensemble. T...


Golkonda – is the oldest fortress that belongs to India. The old complex is quite well preserved and is located within the city of Hyderabad, which belongs to the state of Andhra Pradesh. Somewhere from 1512 to 1687, the year of the Golden Conde was the capital of the eponymous Sultanate. The name ...

Gir National Park

A reserve has been organized in northern India, which is known as the Gir Forest. This territory is the most important natural zone of all of Asia. The total area that belongs to him is 1153 km2, but under special supervision is about 258 km2 given area. The Girsky Forest presents a magnificent pla...

Vaishno Devi

The Temple of Vaishno Devi Mandir is located in a cave in northern India. The cave is located on Vayshno Hill at an altitude of 1.7 km above sea point. The construction is considered the holiest place in India and is dedicated to the feminine, the expression of the Goddess of the mother, known as Ma...


The Akshardham Temple Complex is located on the territory of 12 hectares in the capital of India, the constituent elements of which are a temple, parks, shops, cafes, museums, a cinema, a light-musical fountain and artificial canals, on which you can ride trays. The largest Indian temple of Akshardh...

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty in the United States is a symbol of democracy and the country's main attraction. The architectural monument, with which the state declares its independence, was donated by the French to honor the centenary of the revolution in America. The Statue of Liberty is located on the i...

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