Ajanta Caves

Ajanta – is a whole complex of cave temples in India. The period to which the date of their foundation belongs refers to the era of the reign of the Guptus empire. This temple in the dungeon was created over several centuries, changing its owners.

Ajanta Caves

The ajant has the appearance of a number of caves that were carefully carved in the middle of the rocks and connected together by a wide path. This complex has 29 caves, five of which are temples, or as they are also called vihars, and the rest of the amount – is monastic cells, or tea. A typical Adjanta temple cave accommodates a large hall where the cells are located. They also contain colonnades that support the ceiling, and also serve as decoration of the cave entrance. Colonnades have a beautiful view, which is given by chic painting.

Thanks to the paintings that have miraculously been saved to this day, Ajanta became famous. It was possible to preserve them for the reason that the temple was located away from civilization, because such structures were destroyed by religious fanatics. But it was still not possible to avoid the negative impact of time. Thus, only in thirteen caves can you observe beautiful painting, which has been partially saved.

Ajanta Caves

With magnificent paintings by Adjanta, you can learn a lot from the history of India, although more than half of them – are millet colorful illustrations to the legends where Buddha is glorified. In paintings that are not related to Buddhism, everyday life is presented in great detail. In many ancient frescoes of Adjanta, you can see pictures of the nobility: how they spent time with their rich apartments, hosting guests or just relaxing.

These glorious paintings of the Ajant were created by famous masters for more than one century, which is why they absorbed the different nature and style of art of the ancient state.

In the caves of Adjanta, literally every centimeter of space is filled, with a wonderful pattern of nature and animals. But along with these wonderful illustrations, there are works that are erotic in nature, which is characteristic of medieval India and is obscene to a European resident.

Scientists who are exploring the paintings of this cave complex necessarily note the credibility of their application. It is for these reasons that the painting of Adjanta is also a kind of historical document with which you can find out how Indian Street looked with its various marketable shops, canopies, and carts.

Various stone sculptures and reliefs serve as a wonderful complement to the temple decor. One of the entrances to the cave is especially distinguished, over which there are eight sculptures of the great Buddha, and under them the same number of couples in love is placed. It is these compositions that can be found in many publications, where the art of India is more ancient.

In 1920, restoration was carried out in the cave complex of Ajant and since then has been a attraction that is protected by the state. These paintings of underground temples of Adjanta serve as the direct basis of Indian art of image.

Ajanta Caves Ajanta Caves Ajanta Caves Ajanta Caves Ajanta Caves Ajanta Caves

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Ajanta Caves - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 20.533611
Longitude: 75.749722


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