Travel blog

Fountains Bellagio

One of the most colorful places in the USA, which attracts many tourists, is a wonderful fountain, known as singing fountains « Bellagio ». This attraction is located in Los Vegas and adorns the whole city. Singing fountains « Bellagio » are a rather complex design in the middle of a pond opposite ...

Tortuguero National Park

In the province of Limon, which belongs to the north-eastern part of Costa Rica, the Tortugero National Reserve is located, which crosses innumerable water bodies, which includes rivers along with formed hoses and ducts. The territory of the park also includes a chic sandy coastline. Tortugero belo...

Madidi National Park

In Bolivia, or rather in its northwestern part, there is a beautiful place called Madidi. This wonderful national park is located near the Amazon, near the city of Ruhrrenabak. This reserve attracts increased attention from tourists to its rich animal world and excellent vegetation. Madidi National...

Lake Titicaca

Titicaca Lake is located in the Andes Mountains at an altitude of about 4 km above sea level. Its location is the border of Bolivia and Peru, which determined the belonging of the territory of this reservoir to these two states. This highest lake ranks second in area in South America and is about 8....

Preah Vihear Temple

Preah Vihear Temple is located in the picturesque area of Cambodia on top of the cliff of the Dangrek mountain range right near the border with Thailand. From the height of the temple, magnificent views of the surroundings open in the eye. The temple complex was built in the 11-12 centuries during t...

Silver Pagoda

Silver Pagoda – is the most important architectural object that has come to us since 1896. The temple belongs to the valuable historical buildings of Phnom Penh, which belongs to Cambodia. The founder of the Silver Pagoda is King Norodom Sihanouk, who ruled in those days. The design has a very orig...

San Pedro de la Roca

The San Pedro de la Rock Fortress – is a famous historical site located in the city of Santiago de Cuba. This building was erected in the XII century to defend the city bay. If we literally translate the name of the fortress, we get « Castle of Three Volkhvs on a hill ». Now San Pedro de la Roca is ...

Catatumbo lightning

Catatumbo lightning – is a unique natural phenomenon that arises in Venezuela in South America. It is located above the place where the Katatumbo River flows into Lake Maracaibo. Here, at an altitude of about five kilometers, the sky is covered with a luminous section of lightning, which are not acc...

Dambulla cave temple

Dambulla – is a great place to visit. It is located on the island of Sri Lanka, near the mountain of Syria. The main significant object of this resort is a temple with five stone caves, which bears a Buddhist faith. The cave temple of Dambulla gathered a whole collection of Buddha sculptures. There ...


Varadero – resort area, which is « Heart of Cuba ». It is a fairly large city with its own airport and several ports. Its beaches, located on the Caribbean with a length of 20 km, are included in the top three clean beaches of the world. White sandy beaches are the pearl of Varadero. The local beaut...

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