Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

The Magic Fountain of Montjuic – is a wonderful colorful fountain of Barcelona. It is a fairy show, which crowds of people are going to watch. Montjuic is dedicated to the World Exhibition, which took place here during 1929-1930.

Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

The foundation was built by a little more than 3 thousand people. This factor, as well as timely financing, allowed to complete the construction of the fountain in a short period of time. The very first performance of the magic fountain in Barcelona falls on May 19, exactly one day before the grand opening of the long-awaited exhibition.

The fountain was seriously damaged enough at a time when the civil war was taking place, but its reconstruction was engaged only in 1955. The fountain gained musical accompaniment only in 1980, and with bright lights it lit up only in 1992, when preparations were underway for the Olympic Games.

Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

The modern Montjuic fountain is a structure of which there are numerous nozzles from which water jets flow, as well as a large number of multi-colored bulbs with which this structure burns with multi-colored lights. What could be better: splashing water, sounding music and bright colors. Of course, this show gathers a large number of spectators who come from different parts of the planet. Every year, the magical fountain of Montjuic attracts about 2.5 million tourists.

The music that this attraction creates is quite diverse. Here you can hear the motives from familiar films, for example, the world film « Titanic », as well as « Wlastilin Rings » or « Gladiator », classical motifs also sound very often here, as well as world modern hits.

Under this tune, changing shape, interwoven or scattering, numerous streams of water dance.

The fountain, which is located on Montjuic Mountain, is also called « Dancing ». This name has been attached to it thanks to the streams of water moving to music. Guests of this area also cannot stand still from the motives of fun music and dance to the fountain. Montjuic is a sweet place for both adults and children.

This show is very popular in a given country and needs to be hastened to the beginning of the performance in order to take a more comfortable place.

Magic Fountain of Montjuïc Magic Fountain of Montjuïc Magic Fountain of Montjuïc Magic Fountain of Montjuïc Magic Fountain of Montjuïc Magic Fountain of Montjuïc
Magic Fountain of Montjuïc - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.371153
Longitude: 2.151736


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