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Geghard is an ancient complex of monasteries in the gorge of the Gokht mountain girk near Yerevan. Many temples of the complex are hollowed out right in the rocks. The temple complex and surrounding rocks are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The history of the complex began in the 4th ce...

Issyk-Kul Lake

Issyk-Kul is the largest and most amazing lake in Kyrgyzstan, located in the north-east of the country. The maximum depth of the lake is 702 meters, which puts it on line 6 among the deepest lakes of the planet. Issyk-Kul is located between the picturesque ridges of the Tien Shan mountain system. T...

Puerto Princesa

The underground river Puerto Princesa found its place among the cave formations on the island of Palavan, in the Philippines. It is the largest underground river on the entire planet and attracts a large number of tourists. The Puerto Princes River stretches up to eight kilometers. Cave walls expan...

Fort Siloso

Fort Siloso, built in the western part of the island of Sentoza, is the only surviving witness to the history of Singapore to recall the military past. It was erected by the British at the end of the 19th century with the aim of defending the narrow entrance from the sea to Keppel harbor from pirate...

Chuuk Lagoon

Lagoon Truck – a unique natural formation with an area of more than 2000 square kilometers in the form of a lake located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, near the shores of Micronesia. At the bottom of its crystal clear waters is a huge cemetery of military equipment. Under the waters lies a whol...

The Desert of Danakil

Nature on our Earth is sometimes so surprising, admiring and pleasing that you simply cannot resist its masterpieces. Most of these natural landscapes are simply beyond the power of human imagination and hands. But besides beautiful natural paintings, she is capable of creating terrifying things. Am...

Pitch Lake

Lake Peach Lake – is not an ordinary pond that is located on the island of Trinidad. This place is noteworthy in that it contains an inexhaustible supply of natural asphalt. The lake is not intended for swimming, and there is no fauna here, and it is easy to walk on its surface. The name of the lak...

Bora Bora island

Bora Bora Island – is a beautiful place on the whole planet, which is the dream of every tourist. This area is represented as a variety of islets, turquoise lagoons that create a simply fabulous look. Bora Bora, of course, will be able to captivate even the most picky vacationer. The island is part ...


Persepol – is the oldest city in Iran, which is located 80 km from Pasargad. This attraction is presented to tourists in the form of ruins, but its archaeological value is very significant. Persepol is the most popular among travelers in the entire Eastern region. This ancient city is protected by U...

Grand Mosque Jenna

The Grand Mosque Jenna – is a huge structure that was erected by human hands with clay. It is located among the West African state of Mali, where not a small number of tourists from all over the world are in a hurry to look at this unique clay-nano-fed building. Scientists claim that the Jenna Mosq...

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