Mecca Masjid Mosque

The Mecca Masjid mosque in Hyderabad, India is considered one of the largest in the world. The building is built of processed stone; according to various sources, it can accommodate from 10,000 to 20,000 believers at the same time. The mosque is a monument of cultural heritage and is protected by the state.

Mecca Masjid Mosque

History of creation

The initiator of the construction of the Mecca Masjid mosque was Sultan Muhammad Qutub Shah. He planned to build the grandest mosque in the city, which, when completed, would become the most magnificent in all of India. The word Mecca, sacred to Muslims, in the name of the mosque appeared thanks to bricks made from soil brought from the holy Mecca. Bricks were used to construct the central arch of the building.

There is a legend that before founding the temple, the Sultan invited religious elders and offered the honorable right to lay the foundation stone of the mosque to those who did not skip a single prayer. There were no such people, so the first stone of the foundation was laid by Sultan Muhammad himself, who since childhood had not missed a single prayer.

Mecca Masjid Mosque

The Mecca Masjid mosque is especially sacred for Muslims due to the rumor that a lock of the hair of the Holy Prophet Muhammad is kept in one of the premises.

Construction began in 1617 and was completed in 1693, employing approximately 8,000 people.


For the time when the building was designed and built, it was simply huge. The main hall, measuring 67 * 54 * 23 meters in height, was spacious enough to accommodate 10,000 believers at once. The roof of the main building is supported on three sides by fifteen arches. On the fourth side there is a wall where the Mihrab is located, indicating the direction to Mecca. At the tops of two graceful minarets, from which the faithful are called to prayer, there are small vaulted balconies and domes. The structures are decorated with arched galleries and lines from the Koran.

On the sides of the Mecca Masjid mosque there are strong columns made of solid granite monolith, the extraction of which took at least 5 years. To transport the huge blocks to the construction site, 1,400 of the toughest bulls were harnessed to the carts. The perimeter of the entire building is surrounded by cornices, richly decorated with stone borders and floral motifs. At the main entrance there is a courtyard with a swimming pool. Here you can see a unique sundial, as well as the remains of a medieval hammam - an Islamic steam bath.

Preservation of Mecca Masjid

Unfortunately, the religious center and historical monument is fully experiencing the negative consequences of the environmental crisis. The mosque is gradually becoming polluted and destroyed. In 1995, a thorough cleaning of the building was carried out. In 2001, a pedestrian zone was created in historical Hyderabad to preserve architectural monuments. In 2007, an explosive device went off inside the Mecca Masjid mosque during Friday prayers. As a result, 13 people were killed and dozens of believers were injured. Now the mosque is carefully guarded; entry with bags into the building is prohibited. Women are also not allowed.

Mecca Masjid Mosque Mecca Masjid Mosque Mecca Masjid Mosque Mecca Masjid Mosque Mecca Masjid Mosque Mecca Masjid Mosque

Nearby attractions

Mecca Masjid Mosque - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 17.361599
Longitude: 78.474654


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