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Charinsky Canyon

In Kazakhstan, 200 kilometers from Alma-Ata, there is an amazing beauty attraction of these places - Charynsky Canyon. With his relief, he resembles the Grand Canyon known to everyone, but in a reduced size. The Charyn canyon stretched 154 kilometers along the channel of the Charyn River and formed...

New Athos Cave

Novoafon cave - a cave in Abkhazia located under the Iverskaya mountain. The cave is considered one of the largest caves of Abkhazia and anyone can visit it. In 1961, Givi Smyr noticed the entrance to the cave, later he informed the speleologists about this and they all started the descent together...

Jigme Singai Wangchuck

Jigme-Singai-Vangchuk is a national park in central Bhutan, spread over a vast territory of 1730 km2. It was created in 1995 to preserve the biological diversity of the Black Mountains and maintain the ecosystem of the region. Along the border of the park from north to southeast are the main roads ...

Mountain Poup

Pope is an ancient extinct volcano in Myanmar 1518 meters high. The mountains are sacred to Buddhists, because according to their assurances, spirits live here - nat, who are customary to worship in Myanmar. The basis of the Pope mountain is basalt, andesite and pyroclastic lava flows. During one o...

Paphos Archaeological Park

Not far from the town of Paphos in the 1960s, archaeological excavations of the ancient city began, which continue to this day. For all the time of excavations, the ruins of the villa of the rich, gentlemen, temples, dressed, agora, numerous mosaics were discovered. Nowadays, an open-air museum, the...

Galapagos Islands

Galapagos is an archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean 1000 km from mainland Ecuador. The archipelago got its name in honor of the elephant turtles that live here in large quantities. Galapagos translated from Spanish means land turtles. The Galapagos Islands includes 16 islands and a huge number...

Bender Fortress

Bender Fortress is an ancient powerful fortification in Transnistria, erected back in the 16th century in the town of Bender. The fortress is presented in the book "100 most beautiful and amazing places of the USSR" released in 2010. The fortress was erected in 1538 by the Ottoman Empire to defend ...


Uplistsikhe is one of the most ancient cave cities in the world, located in Georgia near the town of Gori. Translated from Georgian, the name means “God’s Fortress.” According to researchers, there was a large settlement not far from Uplistsikhe on the Katlaniskhevi hill, but due to a severe fire, ...

Lake Ritsa

In Abkhazia, there is a stunningly beautiful Lake Ritsa, which was formed as a result of a very strong earthquake that struck the mountain. Ritsa Lake in length reaches almost 2.5 kilometers, the width varies from 250 to 870 meters, and the average depth is about 60 meters. The water in the mountai...


In the Balkan Mountains near the town of Vratz there is an amazing cave called Ledenika. The cave includes 10 halls with a total length of about 350 meters. Ledenik Cave is located on the territory of the Bulgarian natural park "Vrachansky Balkan". The name of the cave was given by numerous stalact...

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