Puerto Princesa

The underground river Puerto Princesa found its place among the cave formations on the island of Palavan, in the Philippines. It is the largest underground river on the entire planet and attracts a large number of tourists.

Puerto Princesa

The Puerto Princes River stretches up to eight kilometers. Cave walls expand to 80 meters in height, and their width is about 140 meters. The river itself is a national park and is located 50 km from the city of the same name.

The internal decoration of the cave is multilayer karst formations, which are presented in the form of various figures that differ from each other, both in form and in size.

Puerto Princesa

Usually, boats with tourists sail only one and a half kilometers, since access to subsequent spaces, which are located both on the right and left sides of the main stream, is blocked by cave formations. Also, in the back of the cave, a lack of oxygen is greatly felt. The tourist route is accompanied by bats that hang from the ceiling of the caves, directly above the heads of tourists.

Boats with curious tourists constantly moor and sail to the vents of the river, who during the tour can also bathe in underground streams. You can swim strictly with the permission of the guide, in one of the grottoes, where the depth is about one meter.

For an underground river tour, you need to take with you a fairly powerful flashlight, since the cave is not equipped with electricity. All underground beauties, including stalagmites and stalactites, can be seen under the light of your own lamp or the same spotlight lamp of the guide.

To take an excursion with the river, you need to take special permission from a travel company located near the village of Sabang. In the same place there is the opportunity to visit restaurants that are designed for travelers. Boats are usually rented for rent, which are designed for five tourists. Rent for them must be paid at the marina itself. In this boat, travelers go to the beach to the mouth of the river, where an excursion begins with the underground river Puerto Princes.

You can get to the caves on the island of Palavan by plane. Rearly enough, crossing also runs here. The most convenient mode of transport on the territory of the island of Palavan is a jeep that can be rented, both with and without a driver.

Puerto Princesa Puerto Princesa Puerto Princesa Puerto Princesa Puerto Princesa Puerto Princesa

Nearby attractions

Puerto Princesa - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 10.166667
Longitude: 118.916667


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