Travel blog

Mount Fitz Roy

Mount Fitz Roy is located in Patagonia, an area that is border between Chile and Argentina. This mountain has other names: Cerro Chalten, as well as Cerro Fitzroy. Moreover, her second name: « Chalten » in the Teuelche language means « a crumpled mountain », which is quite suitable for the peak of F...


Argentina has one important natural attraction - the steppe of Pampa. Pampa – these are large herbal steppes. Mostly they are not thick, but have a long length from Buenos Aires to Uruguay and occupy an area of 1200,000 km2. They can also be described as plains, as the Quechua Indians thought, beca...

Palacio Barolo

Located in Buenos Aires, located in Argentina, Palacio Barolo, is even surprised by its architecture. It was built back in 1923, and at that time it was considered the highest of the buildings on the whole continent. Now the building is considered the National Historical Monument of Argentina. The p...

Recoleta Cemetery

Recoleta Cemetery is one of the three tourist attractions of Buenos Aires. Impressive way of burial: coffins with the departed do not bury in the ground, but place above the surface. A crypt is installed above the coffin, which looks like a house. In such a « house » several people are buried, membe...

Lake Traful

Lake Traful — an amazing pond of Argentina in the province of Neuquen. Its area is about 76 km2. Traful — the source of the eponymous river, at its mouth is considered Nauel Wapi. This lake is known for its beauties, opening from a height of 102 meters. A massive rock rises above it, from the height...

Volcano Maipo

The Maipo volcano is one of the most active in the world. It is located on the border between Chile and Argentina, 90 kilometers to the southern part of Tupungato and 100 kilometers to the southeastern territory of Santiago. The height of the volcano reaches 5264 m. Its popularity is not due to the ...


The world's largest MuseumsQuartier is located in the historical center of Vienna. Its territory is 60 thousand square meters, and the length of the facade created in the Baroque style is 400 meters. It includes about 70 different objects: exhibition halls, museums, art objects, entertainment spaces...

Lake Neusiedl

On the square, Neusiedl Lake ranks 4th in Europe ( 315 square meters. km ). Its majority is located in Austria, only 13% belongs to Hungary, where it is called Ferta. Listed in UNESCO World Heritage List. Under the lake there is its « double » – underground lake, accurately copying the outlines of t...

St. Stephen's Cathedral

Once in the center of the historic Vienna on Stefanplatz, it is impossible not to pay attention to the unusually beautiful building with high towers, very similar to the castle of the giant from a medieval fairy tale. In fact, it is the Cathedral of St. Stephen, the national symbol of Austria and it...

Old Cathedral in Linz

St. Ignatius Cathedral stands on the south side of the main square of the city, which is called Hauptplatz. Area – is one of the largest in Europe. The green facade temple, also called it Alter Dom ( Old Cathedral ), just 25 m high, looks pretty simple: it is decorated with a modest wide dome ( nef ...

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