Travel blog

Devils Marbles

The unique Devils Marbles Reserve is located in Australia. In Aboriginal, the place is called Karl-Karlu. In 2008, the reserve was transferred to the Australian Parks Service. Aborigines gave land for 99 years, but did not stop managing, since the balls of the devil, which are a cluster of granite s...

Phillip Island

Phillip Island is a tiny part of the land near Melbourne on the south side of Australia. This tourist area is known for its diverse features related to the flora and fauna of the island. Its area is just over one hundred square kilometers, length is 26 km, and width is only 9 km. You can get to Phil...

Macquarie Island

On the way between Australia and Antarctica, as a result of the collision of two lithospheric plates, part of the underwater ridge was carried out on the surface of the earth. So the island of Macquarie formed in the form of a thin extended strip of land. Its length is 35 km, and its width is only 5...

Kangaroo Island

Southern unknown land - so in ancient times called Australia. Kangaroo, koals and volbots – strange in appearance, but the most recognizable citizens of the fifth continent. No wonder even the islands bear their names. In general, here – wherever you look – everywhere on pastures walk in a few compa...

Purnululu National Park

Sand wastelands – the main reason for the origin of the park name: in the Aboriginal language "purnululu" means « sandstone ». There is also Bangle Bangle - the name of the same name as the mountain range located in the park. All 2.3 thousand square meters – is a paradise for archaeologists. Of cour...

Cape Byron

James Cook accidentally came across this cape, wandering around the Pacific Ocean in 1770 during his worldly journey. The great admirer of the talents of Admiral Byron, Cook decided to mutilate his memory cape in his honor. In the recent past, Cape Byron had an ominous reputation: a whaling base was...

Harbor Bridge

Harbor Bridge has a weight of 53,800 tons and has been built for 8 years. Steel arches weigh up to 39,000 tons, and fasten all this colossus 6 million rivets. The Harbor Bridge cost a huge time of $ 20 million, although in the initial estimate it cost only 4.2 million. The expensive company was used...

Caves of Jenolan

The amazing natural attraction of eastern Australia – the cave of Genolan – is located in the same reserve near the Blue Mountains. An extensive network of mountain crossings occupies more than 40 kilometers, but only 10 caves are open for tourists, however, this is enough to assess the power and be...

Lord Howe Island

Lord Howe – is a volcanic entity in Australia. The small size and appearance in the form of a boomerang attract tourists. For small sizes, the island is considered a separate region and has internal self-government. Located this island in the Tasmanian Sea at a distance of 750 km from the city of Sy...

William Ricketts Reserve

Australia has a unique, incredibly beautiful reserve, called « potter's sanctuary ». It is located near Melbourne. The area of the reserve is about 4 acres. This place is noteworthy with a garden of sculptures made of clay and wood, created by William Ricketts. History of creation Back in 1898, th...

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