Travel blog

Monument to the founders of Odessa

In 1990, in Odessa on Yekaterininsky Square, on the 100th anniversary of the city, a monument was erected to the founders of Odessa in memory of their significant contribution to the development of the city. The monument houses sculptures of Catherine II, de Volana, de Ribas, Zubov Potemkin. In 179...

Montjuic Fortress

In the suburbs of Barcelona on Montjuic Mountain there is a fortress of the same name. In different years, battles took place here that affected the fate of the entire region. Previously, a simple watchtower stood on the mountain, but during the uprising of the Catalans in 1640, a fortress was soon...

Shatsky Lakes

In the Volyn region of Ukraine there are magnificent Shatsky lakes, their purity and beauty of nature attracts tourists from all over the country. In total, the complex includes 30 lakes, along the banks of which there are many recreation centers and sanatoriums. The territory where the lakes are l...

Sforza Castle

Sforza Castle is a magnificent medieval castle in Milan, built in the 15th century by Francesco Sforza as a residence. Nowadays, there are several museums in the castle. The first fortification on the castle was built in the 14th century, but during the popular uprising it was destroyed. Around the...

Cathedral of Mikhail Arkhangel in Sochi

The Cathedral of Mikhail Arkhangel is the oldest Orthodox church in Sochi, built in honor of the victory in the 1864 Caucasus War. In 1871, Grand Duke Romanov Mikhail Nikolaevich, then a governor of the Caucasus, drove the entire Black Sea district to find out the needs of new settlers and help the...

Vorontsov cave system

In the Khostinsky district there is an amazing cave system called Vorontsovskaya by the name of the ridge in which it is located. For many years it was believed that the caves of the Labyrinth, Vorontsov, Dolgaya and Kabaniy failure were in no way connected, but gradually it turned out that they wer...

Buzk's Gard

Bug Gard is a fairly young national park in Ukraine, created in 2009 on an area of 61 km2. The park was created to preserve unique natural objects, including numerous tract and geological monuments. The national park is located in the valley of the South Bug River and its tributaries. The relief of...

Odessa Botanical Garden

In Odessa, on an area of 16 hectares, there is a very old botanical garden, in which over 3,000 species of various plants grow. The collection of the garden is constantly updated thanks to scientists who are launching new varieties and studying plants for their dissertations. The first botanical ga...

Optimistic cave

Not far from the village of Korolevka in Ukraine is the longest gypsum cave in the world - Optimistic. It was opened in 1966, and to date, 230 kilometers of cave length have been mapped. Until the end, she has not yet been examined. About 20 million years ago, the ancient shallow sea was in these p...

Phanom Rung

In the Thai province of Buriram is the beautiful historic park Phan Rung. In 2005, Thai authorities applied for the inclusion of the temple on World Heritage Lists. The temple stands at an altitude of 402 meters on top of an ancient volcano. Hence the name of the temple, which in translation sounds...

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