Travel blog

Wisley Garden

The Wisley Garden – is an amazing place in the UK that lures both lovers of natural beauty and true professional gardeners with its amazing collection of plants. In this garden, which is located in the middle of England, namely in the county of Surrey, you will be fascinated by the combined styles o...

The perfect castle of Ferdinand Cheval

The ideal castle of Ferdinand Sheval – this name has a charming structure located in the small town of France – Sharm-sur-Gerbas, near Lyon. This delightful building was erected by a man who had not previously done anything like this, in particular architecture. From a very young age, Ferdinand was...

Mesa Verde

Mesa Verde – is a very important attraction in the United States, which is a huge national reserve with a total area of 211 km. The park was created in 1906 on the territory, which belongs to the American state of Colorado. He also has his place of honor in UNESCO heritage registers. Translated int...

Montezuma Castle

Montezuma Castle is located on the southwestern side of the United States of Arizona in the Green River Valley. It was erected in 1100 AD by the Sinakwa Indians on the upper part of the Verde Valley Rock as a home. This building, the main material of which is a raw brick, covers an area of about 6.7...


Oktoberfest – is a colossal beer festival, which is the largest in the world. It is celebrated annually in the middle of September in the capital of Bavaria – Munich. Oktoberfest is fun and exciting, and lasts as long as 16 days. The history of the beer festival began back in 1810, when all city dw...

Coca Castle

Coca Castle – is a truly strong and powerful fortress that was erected in Spain in the middle of the 15th century. The castle was built during the reign of Enrique the Fourth Castille, the Spaniards themselves. Its appearance is simply charming and has a resemblance to a magnificent Arab palace, and...

Balmoral Castle

Balmoral Castle is located in the Aberdeenshire region of Scotland, being the private property of the royal dynasty since the reign of Queen Victoria. It was she who in the 19th century laid the first stone in the structure of the future palace in the Scottish Baron style. He was erected from local ...

Waterfall Hraunfossar

Hraunfossar – an unusual beauty waterfall that stretches a whole kilometer in the mountainous region of Iceland. It is located near the city of Borgarnes along the narrow bay. The name of the waterfall is associated with its origin, because in translation into Russian it sounds like « Flavl waterfa...

Skye Island

Skye is the largest island of the group of Inner Hebrides. It is located on the northwestern side of Scotland, representing the whole country in miniature. Translated Sky means « Tuman Island », which is true, since the island is often covered with thick fogs and the climate is wet with frequent pre...

Setenil de las Bodegas

Setenil de las Bodegas – a unique city in the rocks that belongs to Spain. This wonderful town belongs to the province of Cadiz. Spain has long been famous for its amazing rock formations, which have successfully combined with urban architecture. Setenil de las Bodegas with their unique amazing desi...

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