Travel blog

Zhangye Danxia

The colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia are simply amazing mountain ranges that belong to China. These enchanting formations in the middle of Gansu province – the dream of any photographer. The components of the Jiane Danxia rainbow rocks are mainly red sandstones, which refer to the Cretaceous period. ...

Kingdom of little people

In the southwest of China, not far from Kunming, there is a bizarre village, visiting which you immediately feel like a giant. And the thing is that only dwarfs are residents of this area. They feel good among themselves like, avoiding inconvenience and ridicule from « big » people. Thanks to a sma...


Near the coastline of Tanzania, among the Indian Ocean, the Zanzibar archipelago is located. This area, among travelers, has become popular, due to the increased development of the local plantation in the 19th century. It is Zanzibar that is known to the whole world as a island of spices. Its huge p...

Arizona crater

The Arizona crater – is a huge trail that left a fallen meteorite. It is located in the United States of Arizona. The crater attracts many tourists, although it is not the largest on the entire planet, but with all the craters, it has been preserved the best. Also, the crater is called - the canyon ...

Flinders Chase

Beautiful places and magnificent landscapes can easily boast Australia, where Flinders Chase National Park is located. It is located on the island of Kangaroo, where many tourists seek to get. Here, many endangered representatives of the animal world are concentrated, as well as not a small number o...


Verzasca – is an amazing beauty mountain river that flows through the territory of Switzerland. The river attracts many tourists to its shores, because it has long been famous for mirror waters and an unusual bottom, strewn with colorful pebbles. Its origins are located in the highlands, at an alti...

Dolomite Alps

The Dolomite Alps are an amazingly beautiful mountain range that belongs to Italy. It is an integral part of the entire system of the Limestone Alps and rises from the north-eastern part of the country, where the settlements of Trento, Belluno, etc. are located. The uniqueness of the Dolomite Alps l...

Hanging Temple

Hanging Temple – is not an ordinary Chinese temple, which was erected in the middle of a cliff near the sacred mountain of Henshan in Shanxi province. It belongs to temple buildings that belong to one of the sacred mountains of Taoism. The monastery was erected among a huge cliff just below the gor...

Königssee Lake

Königssee Lake – is an incredibly beautiful lake that stands out for its emerald greenish shade of water. You feel like just a hero of a fairy tale, standing on a rocky shore, which is so reminiscent of the coast of Scandinavian fjords. Königsee Lake is located in the southeastern part of Germany on...


Paricutin – is a young volcano in Mexico, which is one of the main natural attractions of this country. The history of his education sounds especially interesting. A hasty occurrence gives the right to determine Parikutin among the true wonders of the whole world. This volcano is only 70 years old,...

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