Travel blog

Dead sea

The Dead Sea is the most salty body of water in the world. It is called dead because, due to the large composition of salt, representatives of fauna and flora do not live here. The formed salt crust in the vicinity of the coast does not make it possible to grow either trees or plants. The sea has ot...

Buddha Magic Garden

Buddha's Magic Garden – is an unusual sculpture garden, which is located in the middle of the highest Samui Mountains in Thailand. The garden houses a large number of a wide variety of Buddha statues, as well as other divine sculptures. The idea of creating Buddha statues in this charming area, whe...

World Chocolate Wonderland

Chocolate Park in China – this large area is filled with wonderful workshops, the material for which was chocolate. This exhibition of chocolate products covers an area of about 30 thousand m.2. The chocolate park was opened in Shanghai among the local Himalayas Museum. The park has chocolate figure...

Cave of Swallows

The Cave of Swallows is an unusual cave among the tropics in central Mexico. It has a very large depth and is the second in the country in depth, and in the world ranking it takes 11th place. The cave goes down about 376 meters. The entrance to the Swallow cave itself has the appearance of a large ...

Cueva de las Manos

Quite by accident, in 1941, a simply unique cave was discovered in Argentina, which was called Cueva de las Manos, which in translation sounds nothing more than a Cave of hands. This find was found by a monk in one of the gorges of the local Pinturas River. At first, he could not even imagine that t...

Blue pond Biei

Biei – is an amazing blue pond located among Hokkaido Island in Japan. It is a very small pond, but very interesting for both tourists and the local population. Biai is located at Tokachi Mountain itself on the banks of a river called Bieigoa. The pond is really not simple, and its name sounds like...

Avenue of the Baobabs

The Avenue of the Baobabs is a unique dirt road that annually attracts many tourists from all parts of the world. Enormous baobabs have grown along the entire alley, which are a real attraction of the area, which is located in the west of Madagascar and belongs to the Menabe region. These amazing t...


Ruskeala Mountain Park is a colorful marble quarry filled with water. A tourist complex was equipped in the Republic of Karelia near the village of the same name. Since 1765, having discovered the first marble field, a stone was mined that was used in the construction of the most significant struct...


Pompeii is an ancient Roman city, covered with ash along with the towns of Herculanum and Stabia at the time of the eruption of Vesuvius on August 24, 79. Today it is an open-air museum and is listed as a World Heritage Site. Pompeii was founded around the 7th century BC, and the name of the city g...

Field of Mars

The Field of Mars or the French Champ de Mars – is a beautiful park area that is located in France and belongs to the 7th district of Paris. This area is the favorite of the entire urban population, as well as numerous tourists from other countries. The Field of Mars is located on the left bank of ...

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