Balmoral Castle

Balmoral Castle is located in the Aberdeenshire region of Scotland, being the private property of the royal dynasty since the reign of Queen Victoria. It was she who in the 19th century laid the first stone in the structure of the future palace in the Scottish Baron style. He was erected from local white granite with towers and spiers, while the nature surrounding him was preserved in its original form.

Balmoral Castle

Queen Victoria, along with Prince Albert, loved to relax here in the summer, as this area is famous for its healthy climate. After the death of her husband, Queen Victoria settled here for a permanent stay, in the house she loved to write her notes in diaries. This architectural masterpiece is considered a memo of royal love.

The status of « royal cottage » has survived to this day, in Balmoral the entire royal family is spending its holidays in late summer early autumn. In this case, wearing a Scottish skirt is part of the tradition for the male. Another ritual that has survived to this day – is to wake up on the sound of a bagpipes originating from the windows of the royal apartments.

Balmoral Castle

For visitors, the Royal Balmoral Residence is open from April to July. At this time, exhibitions of paintings, silverware and porcelain are held. Tourists are provided with squared riding services, hiking in the highlands.

The castle is surrounded by a forest in which they like to hunt. Hunting places occupy an area of 20 thousand hectares. Every year they held hunting balls. On the territory of the land live partridges, deer, ponies. There is a unique garden on the water. Behind Balmoral, in the Dee River they like to fish, there is a lot of salmon. For these purposes, noble persons are invited. When fishing, the fish comply with one condition – at the end of the day, the entire catch is released back into the river.

The Krati Church was erected near the castle, its members of the royal dynasty visit on Sundays. There are also wedding ceremonies for the faces of royal blood.

On the surrounding area there are restaurants and cafes that offer to try real English tea from porcelain cups. Having tasted the tea, it seems that they visited the tea ceremony at the queen herself.

About 100 thousand tourists visit the castle annually.

Near Balmoral Castle is a whiskey factory, which is a direct supplier of alcoholic beverage for the Royal Family.

Since 1987, the picturesque royal residence has been depicted on a bill of 100 pounds.

Balmoral Castle Balmoral Castle Balmoral Castle Balmoral Castle Balmoral Castle Balmoral Castle
Balmoral Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 57.039722
Longitude: -3.231389


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