Travel blog

Cal Orcko

In one of the poorest countries in the world, Bolivia, near the town of Sucre, there is a Kal-Orko rock, which the whole world has already learned about, although it was previously invisible. In the same place is a small cement plant, along which there is a huge wall, with a height of 30-story house...

London Eye

A huge Ferris wheel was built on the territory of the British capital, which is the largest in all of Europe. This, at first glance, light openwork structure is called the Eye of London or the Millennium Wheel. The famous London Ferris Wheel is erected on the banks of the Thames and has a size of 13...


Mikenas – is an old Greek city where King Agamemnon was born, which became famous in a campaign to Troy. The fortress of this ruler in the city of Mikena can rightfully be called a legendary object. The find of the Agamemnon fortress belongs to the German archaeologist Heinrich Shlimane, who discove...

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge – a popular architectural object of the famous city of San Francisco. It rises on its way to the Gulf of San Francisco from the Pacific. Golden Gate Bridge - a definable world building, which is 75 years old. This bridge is hanging, because its main part is suspended with the hel...

Beaumaris Castle

On the island of Anglesi, which belongs to Wales, there is a wonderful old castle with an unusual name - Bomaris, which means « beautiful swamp ». It has a great location, off the coast of the Menai Strait. The castle began to be erected back in 1295, by order of the ruler Edward I. Bomaris belongs...

Beach of the Cathedral

The beach of the Cathedral or also called the Beach of Holy Water is located on the northeast side of the Spanish coast of the Bay of Biscay. The name is like many stone arches created in the Gothic direction. Such an unusual and unique shape of the rock was acquired due to nature. She created a uni...

Waitomo Caves

Waitomo Caves – New Zealand's attraction, which is very popular among tourists. It is located near the city of Te Quichi on the North Island. Vaitomo Caves occupy 14th place among 101 best tourist sites throughout New Zealand. If the name of the cave is translated into Russian, it will become clear...


Potala Palace is the oldest and highest architectural building in China. It is located at an altitude of more than 3.7 thousand meters above sea level and rising 115 meters up. The palace was set up on the Red Hill of the Tibetan city of Lhas. Translated by Potala means « mystical mountain ». The f...

Hot Water beach

In New Zealand, on the territory of the Koromandel Peninsula, there is a natural attraction that beach lovers are in a hurry to visit. The uniqueness of the Beach of Hot Water lies in the fact that it is an unusual sea resort that has gained its popularity due to the warm springs located in the unde...

Vasyugan Swamp

Vasyugan Swamp are among the most huge swampy areas on the entire planet that are located in Western Siberia. Their surroundings are the rivers Ob and Irtysh. The area of the swamps is 53 thousand km2 , that, for clarity, there are more than some of the not smallest countries. Vasyugansk swamps for...

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