Travel blog

St. Michael's Hill

St. Michael's Hill has long attracted many travelers and is a real attraction of the ancient English town of Glastonbury. For centuries, this territory has been endowed with various legends, which gives it special mystery. This area is the only hill for many of the coming kilometers. The height of t...

Island of the Dolls

An ambiguous place on the whole planet can safely be called "Bap Island" ( La Isla de la Munecas ), located in Mexico. This creepy place is worth visiting tourists with steel nerves, otherwise these innocent dolls, which previously played the most ordinary children, can very long « settle in » in yo...

Orda Cave

The Orda Cave is the longest gypsum cave of both the whole of Russia and the whole world. This area lures many divers. Its location is – Perm Territory, which is not far from the district center of Orda, in whose honor the cave got its name. The main guideline for the Ordino cave is the Kungur River...

Crazy Horse Memorial

The Memorial of the Crazy Horse is a huge sculpture into which, with the help of human hands, the local rock has turned. This large memorial is located in South Dakota. He is dedicated to a very courageous and worthy Indian leader, in whose honor the sculpture is named. The frantic Horse, along with...


Puzzlewood – is a mysterious area that is 130 km from London. It is endowed with unusual properties that are confirmed by the ability to transfer people to a fairy tale, where wizards or hobbits are located. Many years have passed since the rules of the Roman Empire, in which miners of iron ore, as...


Lysefjord – is in the ranking of the most popular places in all colorful Norway. This miracle of nature is the longest and deepest fjord of this wonderful country. This place is always filled with tourists who are attracted to picturesque natural paintings. Their components are steep mountains above...

Loro Park

Loro Park is located in the Spanish city of Tenerif in an area of 135 thousand square meters. The park justified Wolfgang Kissling in 1972 as a likeness to the Kingdom of Thailand and settled on the territory of about 150 parrots. Because of its inhabitants, the park got the second name – « Park of ...

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras – is a colorful festivities that take place before the Great Lent in New Orleans. If you translate mardi gras into Russian, you get « bold Tuesday ». The celebration of Mardi Gras can be safely compared with Maslenitsa in Russia, but given the traditions of this event, it is more like an ...

Al Ain Paradise

Al Ain Paradise – is simply the largest flower park that is recognized as the largest in the world. This flower fairy tale is located in the territory where all the largest and brightest on the planet – of the United Arab Emirates is located. This wonderful, colorful park, which has simply unrealis...

Gioco del Ponte

Gioco del Ponte – is a very interesting and fascinating holiday that carries a historical past. This costume festival, also known as « Games on the » bridge, takes place every year in the Italian city of Pisa. This event can be observed on the Ponte di Medzo Bridge on the very last Saturday of the f...

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