Travel blog

Abraham Lake

Abraham – artificial lake that appeared in Canada in 1972. This pond has a total area of 53.7 km2 with a maximum length of 32 km and a width of 3.3 km. The main goal of creating Abraham is to combine spring waters for subsequent use in hydropower. On the coastline of the reservoir you can observe ph...


Uxmal – this name has the ruins of a large city in Mexico, which are located on the Yucatan Peninsula. This historical part of the country is distinguished by its amazing calm. There have been no villages near this area for a long time, only recently several hotels have been erected for the comfort ...

Waterpark Tropical Islands

Waterpark "Tropical Islands" – a huge indoor pavilion, under which is a real tropical paradise. This unusual resort is located near Berlin, just 60 km away. Its dimensions are simply amazing: length 360 meters, width 210 m. And height 107 m. About 8 fields for playing football, and even the famous s...

Cenote Ik Kil

The Mexican Yucatan Peninsula is famous for its many – canal lakes and cave complexes, which are located throughout its territory. In ancient times, the Mayan Indians used water in their canopy for the purpose of drinking and considered these places sacred, bringing sacrifices. Of the existing more ...

Westminster Palace

The Westminster Palace is the hallmark of the UK capital and the seat of its parliament, consisting of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The architectural complex, also known as Parliament, is located in the Westminster area. This masterpiece of architecture includes the historical sights...


Hobbiton – is a village that is located near the city of Matamata in New Zealand. This is where many fans of the famous film « Lord of the Rings » go, who with their own eyes want to appreciate all the charms of the green colorful area where the famous film was shot. Hobbiton – is a attraction that ...

Fissure of Silfra

The Fissure of Silfra – is certainly the main attraction of the entire Tingvetlir natural park, which is located in Iceland. It is an amazing beauty gorge that is completely filled with water, attracts increased attention from divers. And this is not without reason, because in addition to the bewitc...

Tottori Sand Museum

An unusually beautiful place hid among the Tottori sand dunes in Japan. This magnificent museum, the exhibits of which are original sculptures with sand, is in a hurry to visit many tourists from all over the world. But it’s worth hastening, because all the presented works at the Tottori Sand Museum...

Spotted Lake

Spotted Lake Kliuk or, as it is still known, Spotted, is located in the middle of Canada, near the small town of Osuyus. This natural attraction has long attracted many travelers, because it has not just an unusual look, but also medicinal properties. You can hear more than one mystical version of ...

Clay sculpture park

It just looks charming. A park of clay sculptures that appeared on Chinese soil not so long ago, in a small town called Tanshan, owned by the province of Hebei. This park arose in 2008, but has already managed to acquire many fans and become a real attraction of this area. The creator of clay Park ...

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