St. Michael's Hill

St. Michael's Hill has long attracted many travelers and is a real attraction of the ancient English town of Glastonbury. For centuries, this territory has been endowed with various legends, which gives it special mystery. This area is the only hill for many of the coming kilometers. The height of the hill is 145 meters, and its slopes are presented in the form of seven tiers, which are of man-made origin.

St. Michael's Hill

Scientists have not put forward the only version of the emergence of this amazing hill to this day. The question of why, why and by whom the local terraces were built is of interest to many.

The ancient people who previously inhabited this area gave the name to the hill « Avalon Island », because its three sides were surrounded by a river.

St. Michael's Hill

Many of the legends here are dedicated to King Arthur. Some people are sure that it is here that his ashes rest, as well as the dust of Queen Guinevere. There is also a myth where the Holy Grail, brought here by Joseph of Arimathea, is coming.

At the very top of St. Michael's Hill was previously the Church of St. Michael, which in 1275 was destroyed by an earthquake. In its place, another church was built, which lasted here from 1360 to 1539, when the king created an order to close the monasteries. Nowadays, on a huge hill among the plain, you can observe an almost destroyed tower.

Near the hill is the Hare of the Chalice, which is considered sacred. This source has magical properties, since it does not dry out at the highest heat. For the legend, it is in it that the Holy Grail is located, in honor of which the well was named.

Today, St. Michael's Hill is also gaining new legends, as lovers of various paranormal phenomena often visit here. This hill was chosen by modern pagans as a place of worship.

But even if you do not believe its magical properties, as well as various myths, which are its integral part, it is still worth simply climbing to the top of the hill, which will give you a colorful landscape.

St. Michael's Hill St. Michael's Hill St. Michael's Hill St. Michael's Hill St. Michael's Hill St. Michael's Hill
St. Michael's Hill - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.143978
Longitude: -2.699217


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