
Mljet is the Croatian national park, occupying the western part of the island of the same name. It was founded in 1960 on an area of 54 km2. The total area of the island of Mljet 100 km2, its length is 37 km, and the width is 3 km. Almost the entire territory of the island is shrouded in impenetrable forests.


The main attractions of the Mljet National Park are considered 2 salt lakes: Big and Small. The Great Lake has the island of St. Mary, on which the monks rebuilt the Benedictine monastery of the same name. The monastery is considered another attraction of Mljet Park. Previously, lakes were fresh, salty, they became because of the monks, who in the 12th century dug a channel connecting lakes to the sea. In the Middle Ages, they decided to remove the snakes from the island and for this they brought mangusts here, who, in addition to the snakes, destroyed almost all the birds, eating their eggs. Nowadays, the natural balance has recovered, and the mongooses were able to take root on the island. In the mid-20th century, hares, deer, as well as wild boars were brought here, which for the islanders became a real attack, as their vineyards were destroyed.

In the Mljet National Park there are settlements: Polach is a small port from where various excursions to the park, as well as the villages of Govedari and Pomena, the latter has a hotel. In the villages you can find ancient churches, and at the Polach Bay in the 5th century they rebuilt the basilica. In addition to ancient churches, the island has wonderful beaches, and local waters are popular with diving. Of the beaches, the most famous are Big and Small Saplunara. Not far from them was a secluded bay with a beach. The beach and for its tenderness were chosen by nudists.


There are legends that the nymph in one of the caves of the island held Odysseus for seven years. Maybe she was helped by witchcraft or beauty to hold the Odyssey. But tourists who visited Mljet will confidently say that Odysseus fascinated the beauty of the island, not nymphs.

Mljet Mljet Mljet Mljet Mljet Mljet
Mljet - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 42.746944
Longitude: 17.530833


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