Loro Park

Loro Park is located in the Spanish city of Tenerif in an area of 135 thousand square meters. The park justified Wolfgang Kissling in 1972 as a likeness to the Kingdom of Thailand and settled on the territory of about 150 parrots. Because of its inhabitants, the park got the second name – « Park of Parrots », since the prefix « Loro » means « parrot ». A Thai village with large buildings is an entrance to the park.

Loro Park

Every year, the popularity of this park is growing, the number of people wishing to visit here reached 1.5 million tourists a year.

Today, Loro Park presents in one person a botanical garden, zoo, circus, dolphinarium and aquarium. The largest collection of parrots is collected here, more than three thousand live in their adjacent territory. You can also list many of the excellent adjectives associated with Loro Park. The largest penguinarium is located, the largest pool is equipped, where they provide spectators with dolphin shows and the longest tunnel with sharks.

Loro Park

Here, viewers can watch the parrots. After watching an amazing show, it is possible to see how talkers will show their reading and counting skills, riding a scooter and flying over spectators. In a separate building, small chicks are fed from the spoon.

In the penguin, more than two hundred representatives of this species live. For their comfortable stay, conditions are created that are as close as possible to the natural environment. To this end, thousands of tons of snow are made every day.

All kinds of representatives of the sea and river depths swim in the aquarium. Among them, about 40 species of living corals.

For lovers of extreme sensations, a glass tunnel is arranged through which you can very closely examine the floating acul predators. In the dolphinarium in the 1200-cube pool, dolphins along with fur seals delight visitors with their performances.

In Loro Park, neither children nor adults will have to be bored. To have time to consider all the shows and performances, it is better to come here in the morning.

In addition to all of the above ideas, you can simply walk through the territory, enjoying representatives of flora and fauna collected from all over the earth. Tourists are given the opportunity to consider near gorillas, chimpanzees, tigers, jaguars. The park area is a botanical garden with exotic plants and a beautiful orchid greenhouse.

Loro Park Loro Park Loro Park Loro Park Loro Park Loro Park
Loro Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 28.408382
Longitude: -16.564236


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