Orda Cave

The Orda Cave is the longest gypsum cave of both the whole of Russia and the whole world. This area lures many divers. Its location is – Perm Territory, which is not far from the district center of Orda, in whose honor the cave got its name. The main guideline for the Ordino cave is the Kungur River, on one of the banks of which, it is located.

Orda Cave

The opening of the cave took place a long time ago, but it was studied only in 1990. The entrance to the cave itself is located in the mountain of Kazakovskaya, which has a height of 50 meters above the river level. The inlet has the appearance of a karst funnel with a width of 5 meters and a height of 2 meters. In order to be convenient to go into the cave, they built a staircase here, and also conducted electricity. Its beginning is the grotto of Crystal, on one side of which there is a lake called Ice. If you choose the path to the left, you can get into the grotto with the name Ice Palace. It is from this place that two more lakes – Main and Warm originate. These lakes are especially attractive for divers, as through them you can get into the underwater world of the cave. The local lake waters have a very low temperature, as expected for such water bodies. Water has a bluish color, and is also very clean and transparent.

The cave is also filled with life. Its main inhabitants are small crayfish.

Orda Cave

But in order to see the beautiful underwater world of a given area, you need to be an experienced diver. The most famous cave galleries were given a name in honor of the cities from which the underground world was studied. The most famous among them are Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsky, Moscow and other moves.

In winter, the Ordino cave takes on a particularly beautiful look, because it is covered with ice canopies that do not melt for a long time.

Today, the studied section of cave moves is about 4600 meters, among which 300 meters of dry surface. To date, speleodaivers are still continuing to explore cave spaces and believe in new discoveries.

Near the Orda cave, the very first Russian database of divers was arranged, where there is also the opportunity to spend the night.

Orda Cave Orda Cave Orda Cave Orda Cave Orda Cave Orda Cave
Orda Cave - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 57.182
Longitude: 56.888056


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