Gioco del Ponte
Gioco del Ponte – is a very interesting and fascinating holiday that carries a historical past. This costume festival, also known as « Games on the » bridge, takes place every year in the Italian city of Pisa. This event can be observed on the Ponte di Medzo Bridge on the very last Saturday of the first summer month.

Joko del Ponte's celebration takes its roots back in the Middle Ages. An integral part of the festival is a costume parade of 709 participants on horseback, and they must be just such an amount, no more, no less, a participant with a horse is considered a single character. This grand military parade usually takes place on the Arno embankment, and the battle itself is shown among the Ponte di Medzo bridge. The meaning of the confrontation between the two teams is to make the effort and effort of the participants of the two sides as much as possible to budge the 70 ton wagon. Copper teams are formed in advance, their representatives are residents from different areas of the city, usually northern and southern. At Joko del Ponte, there is a good opportunity to measure strength on the male floor. This action is supported by crowds of emotional Italian fans.
Such a contest replaced the medieval game, which was called Matsaskudo. This competition was held among riders in all the ammunition and equipment ( with fingers and shields ). Such a not safe rivalry was a great training in case of need to fight off a real enemy. At the Joko del Ponte festival, Matsascudo last passed in the 19th century, after which it became banned. Since the 20th century, it has been replaced by the competition of two teams, the main task of which is to push a very heavy wagon until it shifts and overturns the winning banner.

This delightful celebration in Pisa gathers and brings together people from all over the city who enthusiastically root for their participating heroes.
The Joko del Ponte festival is also in a hurry to visit many tourists from other countries.