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Keoladeo National Park is located in northern India, the main feature of which is a huge variety of birds. The park, which includes plains, savannahs, forests and swamps, covers an area of more than 28 km2. This is one of the most important wintering places feathered. In winter, it serves as a home ...

Rhodes Butterflies Valley

Butterfly Valley is a place of picturesque beauty located on the Greek island of Rhodes in Petaludes Valley. In this unusual area there are waterfalls, lakes, rivers and charming flower beds. Water bodies provide sufficient humidity, which contributes to the formation of a favorable microclimate for...

Peak District

Peak District National Park – found its place among charming England. This magnificent conservation area belongs to six English counties and is famous for its indescribable natural wealth, its amazing landscapes, which include immense mountain peaks, forests, fields, meadows and swamps. Peak Distri...

Yonaguni Monument

The Yonaguni Monument – is a huge entity that was found in the underwater world near Yonaguni Island, which is Japan's most extreme territory. Among all the monuments of this state, the Yonaguni monument is the most mysterious. This area was found in 1987 by local divers who monitored the life of p...

Jacob's Well

The Jacob's Well – is a natural attraction that is located in Texas, USA. The well is an underwater cave, the initial depth of which is at least 10 meters. This Texas note is very popular among tourists, but it carries some danger to those who are about to plunge into its crystalline waters. The we...


Sweden can please both children and adults with its amazing Unibakken fairy tale museum in Stockholm and is located on the island of Jurgorden.  This is just an amazing fabulous world where there is enough space for both kids and their parents. The name of the children's cultural and entertainment ...

Fountains Abbey

The Founting Abbey is the remains of the largest Cistercian monastery of England in the Middle Ages, located in North Yorkshire near the city of Ripon. Another name for the architectural complex – Fauntains Abbey. The founders of the Fauntin Abbey were thirteen Tistercian monks who were expelled fr...


Goa is by far the most popular world resort. The wonderful beaches of the Arabian Sea attract many tourists to India. In the state of Goa, life goes very differently, in comparison, with other areas of a given country. A variety of green tropics, a wonderful climate, ancient customs, styles and cult...

Hyde Park

Hyde Park – is a wonderful royal park, which is located in the heart of the capital of England. London's largest park acquired its status as a royal in the distant 1536. As for his story, it originates from the time of the reign of Henry VIII, when he took this territory from Westminster Abbey and ...

Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park

Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park – is a huge volcanic complex that occupies 1348 km2 territory. It is located on the southeast side of Hawaii and has been in UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1987. The Hawaiian Volcanoes National Reserve clearly demonstrates the bright volcanic processes that have be...

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