Travel blog


Oslofjord – is a natural attraction of Norway, which is a bay that runs as much as 102 km., Starting from the Danish straits, which are located in the south and ending at the very capital of the country, which is located from its northern part. The entire Oslo Fjord is divided into two parts using ...

Lake Ladoga

Lake Ladoga – is a freshwater body that is considered one of the largest lakes in all of Europe. It belongs to Russia and is located between Karelia and the Leningrad Region. The length of the lake is 219 km, and its width is 138 km. The depth of the lake is quite diverse, in some places it reaches ...

Akershus Fortress

Akershus Fortress – is an ancient structure located in Oslo, the capital of Norway. The castle was laid by King Hakon V somewhere in 1290. The fortress was built on a large scale, sparing no money or materials. At the end of the work, Akershus Fortress turned into the most powerful Norwegian structu...

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia – is not only a symbol of the city of Istanbul, but also a significant monument of Byzantine architecture. It is located in the middle of the historic city center in Sultanyakhmet and has been protected by UNESCO since 1985. This historical architectural monument has a rather large and...

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam – is an amazing structure that belongs to the United States. It is a huge dam with concrete, the height of which can be compared with a 70-story residential building. The Hoover Dam primarily serves to provide electricity to 3 US states, and also pacifies the turbulent flows of the Colora...

Palazzo Pitti

Among the most famous and majestic palaces of Florence is Palazzo Pitti. This architectural masterpiece was built by the talented architect of Brunelleschi for local merchant Luke Pitti. Of course, over the long years of its existence, construction has repeatedly changed its appearance and owners. N...

National Mall

The National Mall is an integral part of Washington, which is an stretching strip in the historic city center. Important architectural objects are located on both sides of the alley, including museums, various monuments, as well as memorials. The National Alley stretches from east to west, starting ...

Karlstejn Castle

Karlstejn Castle – a delightful Czech construction, which was built by decree of Charles IV in the 16th century. This Gothic-style palace served as the ruler of the summer residence, as well as the place of preservation of the holy relics. Karlstein is located 30 km from the Czech capital, on a 72 m...

Heviz Lake

The Lake, which works wonders, is located in wonderful Hungary, in the middle of the city of Heviz, which is not far from Budapest. About the healing properties of Lake Heviz, there are simply legends. In addition, this largest biologically active thermal pond is located among the wonderful nature. ...

Hashima Island

The island of Hashima, which is located near Nagasaki in Japan, is now a completely deserted area, but once it was full of life. If we translate the name of the island of Hashima into Russian, we get « Border Island ». The entire territory of this area is framed by concrete walls, which makes the i...

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