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Ladakh is a colorful highland region located in the middle of the Western Himalayas. Translated from the Tibetan language, the name of this area sounds like "high passes". For a long period of time, Ladakh was closed to visitors, and only in 1974 tourists were allowed to land their flights here for ...

Powis Castle

Powis Castle, surrounded by a luxurious garden, found its place among Wales, in England. The charming garden of Pouis Castle is known far beyond the borders of the country. And this is not without reason, because here huge trimmed yew is painted in full growth, and there is also a whole collection o...


Phaselis – is the oldest city that is located near Kemer. This remarkable town, at the very cape above the sea, is filled with ruins of ancient buildings, chic coastlines, as well as the amazing vegetation of the Mediterranean. The city of Faselis is the birthplace of the famous poet and philosophe...

Mentawai Islands

The Mentawai Islands – is a set of islands located in Indonesia. These places are appreciated for their savagery, lack of civilization, including hotels, clubs, restaurants. This area is plundered by real connoisseurs of natural beauty, they run away from the bustle of the city. Mentauvai – is just...

Barcelona Zoo

The Barcelona Zoo, which has existed in Spain since 1892, has long gained worldwide fame. In this complex of Barcelona, animals live without fences that are characteristic of all world zoos. This allows visitors to heartily enjoy chatting with animals. Between various species of animals, special di...

Promenade des Anglais

Promenade des Anglais is a real attraction not only, beloved by tourists, the city of Nice, but throughout France. This area has fallen into the soul of many vacationers. Amazing walking along the coast remains in memory for life. Before, the English embankment was not remarkable. It was an ordinar...

Son Doong

Son Doong – is the largest and most picturesque cave in the world located in the park area in Vietnam. The length of the cave is more than 7 km, the height is within 150 meters, the width – 90 meters. This natural attraction is so large that it contains a river and some part of the jungle. Translate...

Củ Chi tunnels

Củ Chi tunnels – is a rather unusual place that tourists visit very often. This attraction was erected in the middle of the 20th century, when war was taking place in Vietnam. At that time, this city’s remarkableness served as a powerful defensive complex. Today, peacetime has come in this country, ...

West Lake

West Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Vietnam, located in the center of the modern metropolis – the capital of Hanoi on an area of about 2.3 km2. Lake Tai in Vietnamese means « West Lake ». Throughout Southeast Asia, this pond ranks third in area. On the lake coast, 17 km long, the most expen...

Halong Bay

Halong Bay – is the famous bay of the Gulf of Tonkin, which is located on the north side of Vietnam. The bay holds a large number of steep cliffs, various cliffs and, of course, caves. Its total territory is more than 1,500 km2. Under the same name, there is a city to which this natural beauty belo...

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