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Ibiza – belongs to the archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea and is known as one of the Balearic Islands, which is off the Spanish coast. Everyone knows the abitz for her crazy nightlife, which is filled with noisy discos. With its amazing atmosphere, as well as a beautiful coastline, the island lure...


Herculaneum is an ancient city that was destroyed in 79, as a result of the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano. It is located near the Gulf of Naples, near the city of Erkalano, in Italy. Legend insists that the city of Herculanum was founded by Hercules himself, who is a famous ancient Greek hero. T...


The Selous Hunting Reserve – is the largest protected area owned by Tanzania. This reserve occupies 5 percent of the entire territory of the country and is located on its southeast side. Reservat Selus was organized in 1905 and named after Courtney Selus, who was a famous zoologist and botanist. He...

Pemba Island

Pemba Island – is a very interesting place on the entire planet. The island belongs to the Zanzibar archipelago in Tanzania, and is surrounded on all sides by the Indian Ocean. The territory of the island is covered by the chic vegetation of the tropics. A kind of symbol of Pemba is a carnation tree...


Menengai Crater – is the largest natural crater, which is the second largest in size worldwide. He found his place near the city of Nakuru, which belongs to Kenya. Many tourists are well aware of the path to this area, because the trace of the volcano that once rages here is simply amazing to humani...

Ria Formosa

Ria Formosa – is a magnificent natural park in Portugal, on the territory of which there are entire labyrinths of water channels, islets, lagoons. It stretches along the Algarve coast for as long as 60 km and includes the beaches of Garrao and Manta Rota. Ria Formosa Park recently belongs to the lis...

Peneda Gerez

Peneda Gerez – is a national reserve of Portugal, which is one of a kind of park throughout the country. The park was organized in 1971 and covers an area of 720 km2. Peneda-Zheresh crosses two zones, namely the Mediterranean region, as well as the Euro-Siberian region. For this reason, a peculiar c...

Quinta da Regaleira

Quinta da Regaleira – is an amazing estate park, which is a rather mysterious area. This attraction of Portugal, full of secrets and mysteries, lures many travelers to its territory. There is a park area in the Portuguese city of Sintra, which is 30 kilometers from Lisbon. Tourists who find themsel...

Queluz Palace

The Queluz Luxury Palace, located in the suburbs of Lisbon, is an amazing structure that was erected between 1742 and 1767. The Portuguese Kelush Palace belongs to the largest structures of the Rococo era, which, moreover, was erected by the last castles in all of Europe in this style. Initially, t...

Chara Sands

Chara Sands – is an amazing natural attraction that belongs to Russia. This area is a sand desert that has dimensions of 10 km in length and 5 km in width. Such an unusual natural picture for a given area is located in the Kalarsky district of the Chita region. The desert is located forty kilometer...

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