
Oslofjord – is a natural attraction of Norway, which is a bay that runs as much as 102 km., Starting from the Danish straits, which are located in the south and ending at the very capital of the country, which is located from its northern part.


The entire Oslo Fjord is divided into two parts using the narrow Strait of Drebak. The bay has a very picturesque view, its surface is covered in various forms by small islands. On the territory of the islands are the buildings of the local population, which were published, resemble small puppet houses from the theater world. The surroundings of houses are rapeseed fields that add color.

The coast of Oslo Fjord is quite densely populated, there are more than two million people. This Fjord of Norway loved to paint on his canvases the famous artist of the country Edward Munka, who for a long time rented housing off the coast, where he made his masterpieces from morning to night. Among the famous paintings of the master are « Scream », and « Grandfather on the pier ».


The very first settlements off the coast of the fjord belong to the bronze and stone periods. A valuable find of – Viking ships that were in good condition was discovered at the water surface of the bay.

Oslo Fjord provided tremendous assistance in trying to capture the city during the hostilities in the 1940s.

The inside of the fjord contains many islands that are of great interest, because each of them is unique. Many of the islands are available to most tourists, because you can get to them using a regular wooden boat. In the middle of such a lake it is easy to arrange an unforgettable picnic, filled with romance. Many vacationers prefer to stay off the coast of the bay, where campsites are broken. Among the active types of leisure activities there is canoeing, kayaking. Here you can do fishing, as well as fascinating sailing. Oslo Fjord welcomes guests from all over the world, because here is one of the venues for the World Championship in motor racing.

Oslofjord Oslofjord Oslofjord Oslofjord Oslofjord Oslofjord
Oslofjord - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 59.316667
Longitude: 10.583333


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