National Mall

The National Mall is an integral part of Washington, which is an stretching strip in the historic city center. Important architectural objects are located on both sides of the alley, including museums, various monuments, as well as memorials. The National Alley stretches from east to west, starting from the US Capitol and ending at the Lincoln Memorial.

National Mall

The total area of the National Alley is close to 125 hectares, its length is at least 3 km. This area is very famous and popular among tourists. About 20 million travelers from all over the world visit her every year. By the number of visitors, the alley can be taken to 3rd place among all the famous attractions of the United States.

The soil of the National Alley in the USA was laid by the architect from France, Pierre Charles Lanfan, who was invited to this country to develop street and quarter projects. The architect's task was to design the streets of Washington with the design of Parisian streets. The plan was not implemented quite successfully, and the famous alley was first used as a market square, as well as the venue of the exhibition of various types of exotic pets.

National Mall

The fate of the National Alley in the United States was decided in 1901 at a special Congress, led by experts led by Senator James MacMillan. It was at that time that a project was presented on which in the future a landscaping program for the area was implemented, and various national facilities were built, including architectural monuments.

Modern Mall is a wonderful urban area where there are many well-groomed lawns, water bodies on the sides of which numerous American cries grow. The alley accommodates a whole collection of various nationally important monuments and museums, as well as a magnificent botanical garden, galleries, institutes and other important objects. Memorials of such significant people for US history as Lincoln, Einstein, Roosevelt and many others are presented here.

The US National Alley plays a crucial role in the life of not only Washington, but its vast country. Usually people gather in this place during the next inauguration of the President of the country. Alley often hosts various protests. On the territory of Mall you can meet world stars who do not rarely give a concert here.

Traditionally, the National Alley hosts a book festival, usually a fireworks are launched in this place in honor of the country's Independence, and also give all kinds of concerts, including military, symphony, jazz and many others.

If you don’t know where to start exploring the sights of Washington, then go to the National Alley – you won’t guess.

National Mall National Mall National Mall National Mall National Mall National Mall
National Mall - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 38.89
Longitude: -77.023611


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