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Nagoya Castle

Nagoya Castle is located in the center of a city with a population of more than 2 million people. It was built in 1612 as the main residence of the Tokugawa shoguns. At first, the object had the significance of the main political and administrative center of the Principality of Owari. During the Sec...

Mount Kōya

Mount Kōya – is a famous mountain of Japan, which is located in Wakayama Prefecture. The mountain is famous for the fact that temple buildings are located here, as well as numerous monasteries that are directly related to Buddhism. The very first temple that appeared on the Koya-san mountain is the...

Vajdahunyad Castle

The charming and romantic castle of Vajdahunyad is located at the crossroads of the central streets of Budapest. The reason for its construction was the great celebration of the millennium of Hungary, which took place in 1896. By this day, « The historical pavilion » was organized here, where vario...


Elephantine Island belongs to Egypt and is located by the Nile River. It stretches close to 1.4 km. The closest settlement to the lake is Aswan. Once, in antiquity, the island was the sanctuary of the patroness of the Nile - the goddess Satis. Nowadays, this temple complex can only be imagined, bec...


The highest mountain on the planet is located on the border between Nepal and China and is known as Everest or Jomolungma in the Himalayas. The peak of the mountain itself belongs to China and has a height of 8848 meters above sea level. This peak has the shape of a pyramid. Its upper slopes are com...

National Garden in Athens

In the very center of the Greek city of Athens there is a wonderful garden, which is known as the National Garden. It covers an area of 15.5 hectares. The building of the Parliament of the country is located very close to the garden, and on the other hand, it is framed by the Olympic Stadium, which ...


Marajo – is a huge island of Brazil, which occupies 48 thousand km2. Its main territory is located under various ranches where herders live, as well as hacienda. About 250 thousand people live on the island. Here is the city of Sore, which is considered its capital, because it houses a large number ...

Rhodes Fortress

Among the main attractions of the Greek city of Rhodes is the Rhodes Fortress, which at one time was a powerful defensive structure. Today, the Rhodes Fortress is guarded by UNESCO as a valuable architectural monument and serves as a museum. The famous Rhodes Fortress was built in the Middle Ages, ...

Vietnam Military History Museum

In the capital of Vietnam – Hanoi, there are a huge number of different museums and other cultural centers where local residents like to spend their time often telling their children the glorious history of Vietnam, and also showing them various exhibits. One of the largest museums in Hanoi is the V...

Mausoleum Ho Chi Minh

The Mo Chi Minh Mausoleum is located on Dean Square in Vietnam. Here, among the country, Ho Chi Minh himself was buried, in honor of which a noble structure was named, and all because he was a big man and was the first President of this country. It was here, among the square, in September 1945 that ...

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