Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam – is an amazing structure that belongs to the United States. It is a huge dam with concrete, the height of which can be compared with a 70-story residential building. The Hoover Dam primarily serves to provide electricity to 3 US states, and also pacifies the turbulent flows of the Colorado River and gives water to the population of the county.

Hoover Dam

Historians claim that the construction of Hoover Dam gave rise to the noisy Las Vegas, which with a small calm village turned into a developed city.

The first work on the construction of the Hoover Dam began in 1931, when there was a Great Depression. To build this amazing building, it took a lot of jobs that immediately turned out to be occupied by unemployed Americans, despite the severity of the work. Heavy duty added a high air temperature, which reached the mark + 50 ° C. The work of the climbers was very dangerous, people working in boreholes also suffered from a lack of oxygen and harmful gases. During the entire construction of the Hoover Dam, 96 workers officially died. For this reason, at the entrance to the construction there is a monument dedicated to the climbers, in the form of a worker hanging on the safety rope, whose head is covered with a helmet holding a flashlight.

Hoover Dam

The construction of the Hoover Dam was completed in 1936, which is a couple of years earlier than planned. The name of the structure was given in honor of the ex-president of the country, Herbert Hoover. At that time, the construction of Hoover Dam was an architectural miracle. Hoover Dam – is the largest US power plant and the largest dam in the entire Western Hemisphere.

At the peak of the dam, a highway was laid that led from Arizona to the Mexican border. But with the advent of a large number of vehicles, traffic jams began to appear here very often, which influenced the decision to build a bridge over the entire canyon, through which a dam could be traveled. In 2010, a bridge grew several hundred meters from the dam, which is known as the detour of Damba Hoover. The bridge has a length of 579 meters, and a height of 270 meters, it is presented in the form of a huge arch. About 17 thousand cars use the bridge daily, which significantly unloaded the neighboring highway.

Travelers are drawn to the Hoover Dam with great interest. On one side of the dam, a river flows, and on the other located huge Lake Mead, on which there is a fascinating recreation area. Here you can do water sports or just lie on the beach under the bright sun.

Hoover Dam Hoover Dam Hoover Dam Hoover Dam Hoover Dam Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 36.015556
Longitude: -114.737778


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