Travel blog

Sibillini Mountains

Sibillini Mountains - Italian National Park, spread over the ridge of the same name on an area of 714 km2. This mountainous region was declared a national park in 1993. A lot of legends exist about these local ones, so the park is also called the "machine mountain park". According to legend, one of...

Sydney Aquarium

Sydney Aquarium – is just a miracle of architecture. Undoubtedly, he is one of the best aquariums in the whole world. If you have planned a trip to Sydney, then be sure to visit this magnificent place that will fill your life with joyful emotions. The Sydney Aquarium is located in the east of Darli...

Itaipu Dam

The mighty river Parana, which flows through the territory of Brazil, was disembarked in 1982 by the huge Ithaypu dam. The Parana River in Russian means « Mother of the Sea », it stretches close to 4880 km, flowing out from Brazil. An immense design with concrete was built 20 km from the city of Fo...

Aqueduct Pont du Gard

The Pont du Gard – bridge is an architectural structure that has come to us since ancient Greek times. The aqueduct was built by ancient Romans for domestic needs, namely for the equipment of the water supply system, which led its way through the Gare River. This architectural landmark is owned by F...

Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo has existed in Sydney since 1916. Translated into ours, the name of the zoo sounds like « Beautiful view ». Nowadays, the park covers an area of 30 hectares and is divided into eight main thematic parts. Taronga is one of the largest world zoos in which more than 3,000 animals found the...

Buenos Aires Japanese Garden

Buenos Aires Japanese Garden – public park area located in Buenos Aires, which is the Palermo area. This garden is considered one of the largest world Japanese gardens located outside of Japan. The Buenos Aires Garden was organized in 1967 in the area of the Trez de Febrero city park. The decision ...


Snowdonia – is a wonderful national park that was organized in northern Wales in 1951. The territory of the park covers an area of 2170 km2 and is the third largest and most significant park in all of England and Wales. This protected area is represented as a mountainous area, moorlands and clean la...

Edem Project

The Eden – project is a magnificent garden that is located in the UK. This excellent park is one of the most important attractions in the country. Each year, the garden is visited by about 2 million tourists. The Garden of Eden is a magnificent botanical garden where there are various exhibits of pl...

Simplon Pass

The Simplon – is a beautiful high pass that is on its way from Switzerland to Italy. The pass is located in the middle of the highlands and belongs to the powerful Alps. The pass height reaches 2005 m. Mountain settlements that are located near the pass, as well as the saddle of Simplona itself bel...


Zrmanja – the amazing beauty of the river that flows through the territory of Croatia. With its beauty, the river fascinates both crowds of tourists and the local population. The decoration of the picturesque area is wonderful waterfalls, luxurious canyons. Zrmanya, which stretches 69 km., Has cryst...

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