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Hluboká Castle

Hluboká Castle is a beauty-fasculous castle located near the town of Gluboka nad Vltava near the Czech capital. Known for its unusual pseudo-gothic architecture. Glubok Castle was built on a rock above the Vltava River by order of the Czech king in the 13th century. Initially, the castle had the na...

Strelka of Vasilievsky Island

The arrow of Vasilievsky Island is one of the most beautiful architectural compositions of St. Petersburg. An example of a harmonious fusion of urban architecture with beautiful landscapes of the Neva. After Peter I laid the Peter and Paul Fortress, he decided that the Northern Capital should be no...


Marfino, a former noble manor near Moscow, is known for its unusual Gothic architecture. Nowadays, the Marfinsky sanatorium, owned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, is located here. The first mention of the estate dates back to 1585, when these lands belonged to the barins, then...

Waterfalls of the Rufabgo stream

In Adygea, not far from the village of Kamenomostsky, there is a stunning in beauty cascade of waterfalls on the Bolshoi Rufabgo stream, attracting many tourists with its splendor. For the convenience of travelers, a section of the trail leading to the main waterfalls, which begins at the mouth of ...

Rostov Kremlin

Rostov Kremlin - this is the name that has been assigned to the previous residence of the Metropolitan of the Rostov Diocese. As conceived by Metropolitan Jonah Sysoevich, a residence with white walls and a pond was to be identified with a biblical paradise. The Rostov Kremlin ( Metropolitan Hole )...

Barcelona Aquarium

In the area of the Old Port of Barcelona is one of the largest aquariums in Europe, which is one of the most visited attractions of the city. Since 1995, over 14 million people have visited the aquarium. The entire territory of the Barcelona aquarium is divided into 14 ecosystems: underwater caves,...


Kuskovo is one of the most luxurious noble estates of imperial Russia, formerly owned by the Sheremetev counties, but has become a museum since the parishes of Soviet power. The estate is located in Moscow in the area of Veshnyaki and its construction are a prime example of neoclassical architectur...

Athens Agora

Athens Agora - in ancient Greece, one of the main squares where the townspeople gathered to discuss political issues, compete with athletes, and look at theater performances. Today, the square is a favorite place for photo shoots for tourists. Since 1931, archaeological excavations have been carrie...


An amazing open-air museum called Ataman opened on the Taman Peninsula in 2009. Here, on an area of 60 hectares, ethnic buildings from all over the Krasnodar Territory are collected. The museum has collected exhibits showing the life of the Cossacks in the 18-20th century. There are so many exhibit...

Holy mountains

Holy Mountains - a national park in Ukraine, founded in 1997 on an area of 405 km2 along the Seversky Donets River. The park is known, first of all, for its shallow mountains, in which relict melon pine trees grow. In addition to them, almost a thousand plants grow here, 48 of them are present in t...

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