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Toledo Cathedral

Toledsky Cathedral, aka Cathedral of St. Mary - the main cathedral of Spain, which is a monument of architecture. In 1986, he was added to the World Heritage List. Toledsky Cathedral is considered one of the largest cathedrals in Spain: its width is 60 meters, length 120, and the upper point is at ...

Capova cave

Kapova cave - a cave in Bashkortostan, famous for the drawings inflicted by primitive people during the Paleolithic. The cave is located on the area of the Shulgan-Tash reserve. There are several versions of the appearance of the name of the cave. According to one of them, which is confirmed by arc...

Lutsk castle

Lutsk Castle is one of several well-preserved medieval castles in Ukraine. It is an architectural monument and the oldest building in the city of Lutsk. In total there were 2 castles in Lutsk: Okolny and Verkhniy, connected to each other. It is believed that the castle was built in 1340, but there ...

Rosa Khutor

Rosa Khutor is one of the largest ski resorts in Russia, located in the village of Krasnaya Polyana. In 2014, the Winter Olympic Games were held here. The resort is 40 kilometers from Adler and covers almost 2000 hectares of the slopes of the Aibg ridge. The height difference in Rosa Khutor ranges ...

Lake Onega

Lake Onega is Europe's second largest freshwater lake in Russia. The length of the lake is 245 km, and the maximum width is almost 83 km, thus covering an area of 9720 km2. There are a huge number of islands in the lake, a total of 1,650, which occupy an area of 224 km2. The most famous of them is ...

Museum-Reserve Shchelykovo

Shchelykovo is a museum reserve in the Kostroma region, many are known as the estate of writer Alexander Ostrovsky. Nowadays, there is a sanatorium, a children's camp and a theater community. In the 17th century, there was a wasteland in this place until the retired general F. bought the land in th...

Skole Beskids

Skole Beskids - the national park of Ukraine in the Carpathians, spread over an area of 352 km2. Designed to preserve unique spruce forests and protected tract. In the Skolevsky Beskydy National Park you can see the Kamenetsky and Gurkalo waterfalls. There is also the historical and cultural reserv...


Pilipets is a village in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, known for its beautiful mountain landscapes, as well as well-equipped infrastructure for ski holidays. Near the village there is a mountain range of Borzhava canvases, in which the nearest Gemba mountains ( 1497 meters ), Magura-Zhide ...

Ubud Monkey Forest

The forest of monkeys in Ubud is a reserve and an important temple complex of Hindus on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Officially, the name of the reserve sounds like a sacred secret forest of monkeys. The forest of monkeys covers an area of approximately 10 hectares. But even this small territor...

Beautiful harbor

A beautiful harbor is a national park on the Black Sea coast in Crimea. The park was created in 2009 on an area of 109 km2, but in 2014 they renamed Tarhankutsky. The national park is located on the Tarhankut Peninsula, which is covered mainly by steppe territories and beams crashing into the penin...

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