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Forbidden city

The Forbidden City – is the largest palace in China, where the emperors of the country of the XV - XX centuries were located. For at least 500 years, this mysterious complex in the middle of Beijing was the residence of 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The palace was not entitled to visit...

City Fortress Kowloon

The Kowloon Fortress City – is a former huge dirty communal apartment in Koulun that belonged to Hong Kong in China. Given that the city is not big, there was a time when there were about 50 thousand people in it. A marvelous settlement has a rather rich history, which began a thousand years ago, w...


Chapultepec – is America's largest city park. It occupies 800 hectares and is located on the southeastern side of Mexico City. Chapultepec translates as « hill of grasshoppers ». The park has about eight centuries. It is the most famous and visited cultural and historical center of the city. In the...

The pyramid of the sun

The pyramid of the Sun – is a huge construction of ancient civilizations, which is a mystery to the modern world. It is located in the city of Teotihuacan, which belongs to Mexico. The pyramid of the Sun is the third largest among all the famous pyramids on the planet and belongs to the local large ...

Belize Barrier Reef

The Belize Barrier Reef is a coral reef system that occupies the territory of the Belize coastline, which belongs to Central America. This barrier reef in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest worldwide. Its length is close to 300 kilometers. It belongs to the list of outstanding na...

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza – is the oldest city in Mexico, which has acted as the political and cultural center of Maya. Its location is the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula. The city is small and stretches for 6 km. The name of the ancient city of Chichen-Itsa has several translations, the meaning of which...

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal – is a monument mausoleum, which is a symbol of India. The complex is located on the district of Angara, surrounded on three sides by walls of red sandstone. The side located near the river remains open. This wonderful architectural creation 74 meters high with 5 marble domes, surrounded b...

Cancun Underwater Museum

In the middle of the Caribbean, in the city of Cancun, there is an unusual museum, the exhibits of which are completely absorbed by sea water. This huge underwater museum has about 400 sculptures. Its figures are located at a depth of approximately 10 meters. The museum is relatively young, it was o...

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square – is a very popular London square located in the middle of Westminster. It is in this place that the main streets of Great Britain originate. Traditionally, various rallies and demonstrations take place here. The foundation date of the famous square is 1820. This place used to be c...


Tiwanaku – this name has the oldest city, the location of which is Bolivia. This settlement was located less than 100 km from La Paz, near Lake Titicaca. Historical excavations suggest that Tiuanako was formed 1,500 years BC. This city was considered the heart of the state, close to 40 thousand peop...

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