Travel blog

Salar de Uyuni

Salar de Uyuni is located in southern Bolivia near the city of Uyuni. This is one of the largest salt marshes with an area of 10,582 km2, which is a whole complex, including mountains, the sea and the desert. Only all this consists of salt. There are billions of tons of salt around, extending to 8 m...


Parfenon – is an ancient Greek temple located on the Athens Acropolis. This sacred building was erected in honor of the patroness of Athens – the goddess of Athens-Drive. The date of construction is the period between 447-431 BC. To date, work is underway to restore it. During the raids of the Pers...


Near Berlin, in the city of Potsdam, is the San Susi Park. The park was a vacation spot for Frederick II, where in the summer he had a break from the bustle and was engaged in activities close to his soul. From here the name of San Susi went, which translates as « without worries ». The park covers ...

Olympic National Park

Olympique – is the national reserve of the United States of America, which belongs to the state of Washington. The date of its foundation is 1938. Olympic Park is unique to its plant and animal world, which has been isolated from American lands for a long time. Even in our time, you can meet unique ...

Swallow's Nest

Swallow's Nest – is a wonderful castle that is located on a steep cliff, right above the Black Sea in Crimea, which belongs to Ukraine. This building always attracts many tourists, because it has an unusual appearance, which really resembles a bird's nest, stuck at 40 meter altitude. « The Lastochki...

Castel Sant'Angelo

The Castle of the Holy Angel is one of the most important attractions of Italy and is located in Rome near the Vatican on the banks of the Tiber River. Today – is an architectural monument-museum. And during its existence, it was both a tomb, a prison, and a residence of dads, all this makes up the ...


Cardinia – is the name of the Mediterranean Island, the location of which is the territory between Sicily and Corsica in Italy. The island has a wonderful coastline with white loose sand and transparent sea water. Sardinia is also famous for its beautiful landscapes, which fill the steep cliffs, chi...

Hatley Park

One of Canada's largest and most beautiful parks is located on Vancouver Island in a city called Colwood. This wonderful Hatley Park is not in vain enjoying enormous popularity among visitors, because it looks like a paradise. The history of Hatley Park tells that initially this hot land was in the...

Garden of Cosmic Speculation

The Garden of Cosmic Speculation is located on the southwestern side of Scotland and is the most original place on earth. The creation of this garden arose in the idea of architect Charles Jenkson and his wife, landscape designer Maggie Keswick. They wanted to create a place, one of a kind, where ev...

Andre Heller Garden

Andre Heller Garden – is a colorful garden that belongs to Italy. It is a real decoration of the city of Gardone Riviera, which is located in the province of Lombardy. Andre Heller's botanical garden is still known under the second name, which sounds like the Arturo Grushka garden. Around 1901, thi...

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