Belize Barrier Reef

The Belize Barrier Reef is a coral reef system that occupies the territory of the Belize coastline, which belongs to Central America. This barrier reef in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest worldwide. Its length is close to 300 kilometers. It belongs to the list of outstanding natural attractions and is protected by UNESCO.

Belize Barrier Reef

The Belizean Barrier Reef – is the main natural value of Belize, which is visited by about 130 thousand tourists annually.

The coral reef is a whole system of shallows, islets, as well as atolls ( ring-shaped reefs, where colorful lagoons ) are located.

Belize Barrier Reef

Coral reefs must be protected by the state, as approximately a quarter of the entire marine flora and fauna are located here. Experts have estimated that if you put everything on your own and do not control the pollution of sea water, fish caught and tourism, then after about 30 years more than half of the corals will disappear from our Earth.

In the protected area of the Belizean Barrier Reef there are approximately 70 species of solid corals and at least 35 soft ones. There are close 500 species of fish in this area. There are also representatives of endangered species of animals, among which there is not one type of turtles.

Among all the dangers for the Belizsky reef coral at a very high level is their whitening. This is a natural procedure in which they discolor and become bright. In 1997, the largest bleaching of corals occurred here, which coincided with shskilled winds. At this time, their reduction was recorded by about 45 percent. Scientists have determined that the negative impact on marine coral reefs has an elevated temperature of the environment in which they live, as well as ultraviolet light.

Tourists have long chosen these colorful places. This is favorably affected by the temperature of the water, as well as the wealth of the underwater world.

One of the most beautiful places for diving into the water kingdom is the area, which became famous thanks to the Blue Hole. Its location is the natural reef Lighthouse, which is located a hundred kilometers from the coastline of Belize. It was opened by an underwater expedition in 1970 and has since lured many tourists. The blue hole has the appearance of a funnel with limestone, which is filled with dark blue water. Its diameter is close to 300 meters, and the depth is at least 120. Residents of the Blue Hole are sharks. Immersion in this area for divers without much experience is not recommended, as decompression can occur. Sea water near the funnel itself is very transparent and is ideal for walking with a mask and a tube.

As you can see, the Belizean Barrier Reef – is a real treasure of nature that requires careful attitude from humanity.

Belize Barrier Reef Belize Barrier Reef Belize Barrier Reef Belize Barrier Reef Belize Barrier Reef Belize Barrier Reef

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Belize Barrier Reef - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 17.2625
Longitude: -88.052778


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