Vaishno Devi

The Temple of Vaishno Devi Mandir is located in a cave in northern India. The cave is located on Vayshno Hill at an altitude of 1.7 km above sea point. The construction is considered the holiest place in India and is dedicated to the feminine, the expression of the Goddess of the mother, known as Mata Rani or Weishnavi. Here it manifests itself in three guises: Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati.

Vaishno Devi

Kali Almighty protects his adherents from fear of death. In the manifestation of Maha Lakshmi, her devotees receive a blessing for wealth and prosperity. Maha Saraswati helps to see the difference in good and bad, make the right decision and find your life path. In this temple, all three gods are worshiped simultaneously, and the combination of all these three qualities in one Shakti allows you to be revered by your pilgrims.

The best time to visit the Vayshno Devi Temple is March-July, the rest of the time it is very cold, and the road is snowing. During the celebration of Navaratri, about ten thousand pilgrims come to the temple. In October-November, on the day of the full moon, the line of pilgrims stretches for 4 kilometers.

Vaishno Devi

The journey to the temple of Vayshno Devi Mandir begins with the city of Katri, in which you need to register for a fee - take a pass of the Party's Yatra to present it on the way, in Bang Gang. Only with this pass do tourists pass further. Since, starting from Katri, the road ends, tourists and pilgrims make a difficult climb about 13 km to the top of the Vayshno Devi Temple on foot.

On the way you can meet hundreds of monkeys. Before visiting the cave, tourists need to take a cleansing in the spring. Pilgrims are washed completely in souls intended for this. No more than fifteen people can enter the middle of the cave together, due to the small height of the cave in the middle, it will not be possible to stand in full growth, it is necessary to bend down. It is forbidden to take any objects, telephones, cameras and even water inside. In the temple of Vayshno Devi Mandir, a flame constantly burns, here it never goes out.

At the exit from the cave they give bags of sugar, in which they hide a happy coin with the symbol of the temple.

Vaishno Devi Vaishno Devi Vaishno Devi Vaishno Devi Vaishno Devi Vaishno Devi
Vaishno Devi - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 32.98
Longitude: 74.95


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