
The Akshardham Temple Complex is located on the territory of 12 hectares in the capital of India, the constituent elements of which are a temple, parks, shops, cafes, museums, a cinema, a light-musical fountain and artificial canals, on which you can ride trays. The largest Indian temple of Akshardham is dedicated to local spiritual culture. Because of its greatness, the sanctuary is included in the Guinness book of records.


Released Akshardham for 5 years, completing in 2005. The construction was erected with a value of 42 meters in height and 106 meters in length. The outer walls are built of pink marble, and the internal – of white, which represents peace and love for God. The combination of stones occurred on the principle of puzzles. The decoration of the temple is 9 domes, 234 columns, sculptures of people, various animals and birds, the total number reaches 20,000. In the middle of the mosque stands its main statue of Swaminarayan, three meters high.

All decoration of the Akshardham temple was done manually. Walls decorate carved pieces of stone of various sizes – from figures in human height to figures the size of a palm. Moreover, clear detail and proportions are observed everywhere. The construction is surrounded on three sides by lakes. And on the territory of the park there are attractions for children.


Before visiting the Akshardham Temple, tourists are checked, allowing only money and a passport to be taken. Photographing is strictly prohibited.

The complex has an exhibition consisting of three halls: a hall of values, a hall where you can ride a tray and a cinema hall. The very first part of the exhibition is the display of history and the faith of Swaminarayan, who preached the principles of life in love and decency. The exemplary life of Swaminarayan is presented on three-dimensional dioramas, the viewing of which allows us to comprehend the basics of Hinduism. Strengthen realistic events robots that can move and talk.

The second part of – is a boat trip on water, which will allow us to consider the discoveries of great Indian scientists in mathematics, medicine, astronomy.

The third part is a visit to the cinema, in which they play a wide-screen film about the boy-yoga Swaminarayan, about his adventures during a pilgrimage to India.

The end of the journey, the Akshardham Temple is a laser show of musical fountains depicted in lotus form. In the middle there are seats for observing all this beauty.

Akshardham Akshardham Akshardham Akshardham Akshardham Akshardham
Akshardham - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 28.613986
Longitude: 77.277703


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