Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace – is a structure that is the center of all of London. Here is the residence of the government, including the Queen of England herself, where she not only works, but also lives with her family. The Royal Palace in Westminster often holds official receptions, a variety of ceremonies, and banquets. It is always crowded here, especially during celebrations or public concerns. Buckingham Palace is also the main tourist attraction of the whole country.

Buckingham Palace

The history of Buckingham Palace begins back in 1703. It was at this time that the palace was erected for the Duke of Buckingham and was called the house of Buckingham. In historical literature, it is noted that it was the most delightful home of the whole country. Later, the palace was sold, and in 1837 it was here that Queen Victoria became the throne, and the – castle itself was declared the main residence of the British government. During the years of its reign, the Buckingham Palace begins to transform and becomes like the one we are observing now. His appearance acquired a creamy golden ton, and some of the – chambers are successfully furnished with Chinese-style furniture delivered from the palaces of Brighton and Carlton House. The residence of the monarchs also boasts a magnificent garden and artificial reservoirs located on its territory.

Today's Buckingham Palace is known to the whole world. On its territory there are a variety of dinners, lunches, as well as dinner parties, guests of which are honorary people of the whole world, of whom there are more than 50 thousand every year. The Buckingham Palace is famous for its royal ceremonies, which include the grand opening of parliamentary sessions, as well as the celebration of the Queen’s birthday.

Buckingham Palace

The daily celebration, which also attracts many tourists, which begins in April and ends in August, is the change of guard. This is a colorful costume parade that lasts about 45 minutes, accompanied by an orchestra. It passes in the main square, in front of the entrance of the palace. The main essence of this event, where beautifully cleaned guardsmen participate in red and bear hats, is the change of the old guard of the new. The palace is guarded by the court division, which includes the infantry regiment, as well as the equestrian.

Back in 1961, a gallery was built here, later which is open for public visits. Now in it you can observe the excellent works of talented artists, among which are paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens.

Buckingham Palace has a swimming pool, post office, and a cinema. At a time when the queen does not live here ( two months a year ), he opens for visits. The fact that the royal person is in his chambers is said by the flag that rises above the castle.

Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.500833
Longitude: -0.141944


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