Travel blog

Grand Maket Russia

Grand Maket Russia is a miniature museum in St. Petersburg, depicting a collective image of Russian regions. Layout area 800 m2, and the elements are made on a scale of 1 to 87. This layout is the largest in Russia and the second in the world after the Miniature Wonderland in Hamburg. This wonderfu...


Ergaki est un parc naturel du territoire de Krasnoïarsk, nommé d'après les crêtes. Le parc a été fondé en 2005 sur une superficie de 3428 km2. Depuis les années 1990, le parc est devenu très populaire auprès des touristes et des artistes. Selon de nombreux scientifiques, le nom « Ergaki » vient du ...

Heidelberg Castle

On the slope of Mount Königstul in Germany are the ruins of the huge Heidelberg Castle. In the 17th century, the troops of Louis XIV destroyed the castle during the war, but in the 19th century it was partially restored. Little is known about the construction of the castle, the first mention dates ...


Bekonscot ( Bekonscot model village ) is the oldest miniature model of the village in the world. The model reflects aspects of England, mainly since the 1930s. Thumbnails are built of natural materials and reduced by 12 times compared to the original. Baconskot was created by accountant Roland Kall...

Portugal in miniature

Coimbra has an amazing theme park of miniatures called Portugal in miniature. The park was designed so that in a playful and educational form it would show the culture and heritage of Portugal around the world. "Portugal for the smallest" began to be built in 1938 at the initiative of a professor a...

Palma Cathedral

Palma Cathedral ( Cathedral of Santa Maria ) is a Gothic cathedral located on the island of Mallorca. The cathedral is also known as La Ceu ( Bishopdom ). It is located in the town of Palma de Mallorca, and because of its enormous size it is a kind of landmark in the city for tourists. The facade of...

Caves of Drach

On the island of Mallorca near the town of Porto Cristo at a depth of 25 meters, the amazing caves of Kuevas del Drak are located, reaching a length of 2.5 kilometers. In total, there are 4 caves: the Black Cave, Cueva Blanca, the Cave of Luis Salvador, the French Cave and all of them are interconne...

Tirta Gangga

On the island of Bali, near the town of Karangasem, there is the amazing water palace of Tyrta Ganga. The name of the palace literally translates as "sacred waters of the Ganga River" and attracts tourists with a magnificent garden surrounded by fountains and ponds. The palace complex was built on ...

Fort Bourtange

In the Dutch village of Bourtange there is an amazing eponymous fort, built in the shape of a star. It was built to control the road between Germany and the town of Groningen during the Netherlands bourgeois revolution. During the Eighty Years War ( Netherlands Revolution ) ( 1568 - 1648 ), the Spa...

Maijishan Grottoes

Maijishan is an amazing cave complex in China in Gansu province, 45 km from Tianshui. The complex is famous for the fact that in 194 grottas there are over 7200 sculptures, as well as about 1300 km2 various frescoes. The name of the mountain translates as "Trump Mountain", and the first caves in it...

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