Travel blog

Castle Colomares

Colomares is a castle created in the resort town of Benalmaden in honor of the five hundredth anniversary of the opening of America by Columbus. The architecture of the castle amazes even sophisticated travelers. In the castle, the author of the project wanted to combine the whole culture of medieva...

Castle of St. George

On a high hill in the historical center of Lisbon is the ancient castle of St. George. In ancient times, the fortress was well fortified and served as a defense for the Romans, Visigoths and Moors. The castle was named after St. George, the patron saint of England. In 1386, the Portuguese king Juan...


Medanos is one of the national parks of Venezuela, spread over 91,280 km2. In fact, the park is a desert, the dunes of which stretch to 30 km, and reach a height of 40 meters. The park is located near the town of Koro by the road leading to the Paraguana Peninsula. The park includes the Medanos ist...

Barossa Valley

Barossa Valley is Australia's main winery region. The name of the area came from the Barossa ridge, named after the victory of the British over the French in the same place in 1811. On the territory of the valley of 912 km2 concentrated about 150 vineyards and 70 wine cellars. In some cellars, entra...

Lascaux Cave

Lascaux is a cave in France with cave paintings about 20,000 years ago. Sometimes the cave is called the "Sistine Chapel of primitive painting", since a huge number of engraving and images have perfectly been preserved here. In 1979, the cave, along with the historical sites of the Weser River, fell...

Kalambo Waterfall

Kalambo is a picturesque waterfall on the river of the same name, located on the border of Tanzania and Zambia. The size of the waterfall is simply amazing, because it rises by 427 meters, and the width depends on the rainy season and ranges from 3 to 20 meters. For the first time, Europeans visite...

Lake Tanganyika

Tanganyika is Africa's largest lake, located in 4 states: Tanzania, Burundi, Zambia and Congo. In addition, it is one of the most deep-sea lakes with a maximum depth of 1470 meters. In depth, second only to Baikal. According to one version, the name of the lake comes from the word "Etanga Yanya", w...

Villa Adriana

Villa Adriana is an architectural masterpiece of the Roman Empire, built specifically for Emperor Adrian in Tivoli. The villa includes 30 buildings scattered over an area of more than 1 km2. Today, the architectural complex is badly destroyed, but this did not prevent UNESCO from listing Adrian's vi...

Great Ocean Road

The Great Ocean Road is the main attraction of Victoria in Australia. Almost the whole road runs near the coast, only in a few places it deepens into the continent. In 2011, the road replenished the Australian National Heritage Register. The road begins in the town of Torquay, and ends in Allansfor...


Ngorongoro - a protected area in the crater of the same name, covering an area of 265 km2. This area appeared as a result of a volcano explosion 2.5 million years ago. Ngorongoro Crater is located on the outskirts of the Serengeti Savannah, and in the southeast lies the famous Lake Manyara. The cra...

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