Caves of Drach

On the island of Mallorca near the town of Porto Cristo at a depth of 25 meters, the amazing caves of Kuevas del Drak are located, reaching a length of 2.5 kilometers. In total, there are 4 caves: the Black Cave, Cueva Blanca, the Cave of Luis Salvador, the French Cave and all of them are interconnected. The name of the cave complex is translated as "Dragon Caves", because according to legend, huge wealth was stored here, which was guarded by a powerful dragon.

Caves of Drach

Kuyevas del Drak was formed under the influence of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The first to explore and describe the caves of Eduard Alfred Martel, he is also considered the founder of speleology as his father. Martel opened a huge underground lake with a length of 115 and a width of 30 meters, the depth of the lake ranges from 4 to 12 meters. The lake was called Martel, and the water in it has a brackish taste. In 1935, the dragon's caves were covered and began to organize concerts. During concerts, visitors are seated on benches by the lake and musicians sail to them by boat, performing compositions of such authors as Caballero, Chopin, Offenbach. The concert lasts only 10 minutes, after which visitors go to inspect the caves, you can sail by boat or walk under stalactites, helictites and other bizarre limestone formations.

Although the dimensions of the caves are huge, the length of the routes does not exceed one kilometer. Guides lead visitors across all rooms and corridors, showing the most interesting places in Kuyvas del Drak. Good lighting allows you to explore all corners of the caves, as well as see the smallest pebbles at the bottom of Lake Martel.

Caves of Drach

Tourists tired of beach holidays should certainly visit one of the main natural attractions of Mallorca, because an hour-long tour will cost only 11.5 euros.

Caves of Drach Caves of Drach Caves of Drach Caves of Drach Caves of Drach Caves of Drach
Caves of Drach - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 39.535278
Longitude: 3.330556


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