Palace of Princess Gagarina
In Crimea, on Cape Plaka, there is an amazing attraction of the peninsula - the Palace of Princess Gagarin. With its appearance, it resembles a castle of romantic fairy tales.

In the 19th century, on Cape Plaka was the estate of the Tavri Governor A. M. Borozdina, in which A. was visiting at different times. WITH. Pushkin, V. AND. Zhukovsky, A. WITH. Griboedov. Later, the estate passed to Prince Alexander Gagarin. He was later appointed governor of Kutaisi, where he met his future wife, Tasso Orbeliani, from the old Georgian family. Together they lived only 3 years, the prince was shot dead during a duel, and the young princess closed in her chambers. A year later, in order to somehow unwind, she went to the estate of her husband, where he wanted to build a new palace for her.
Arriving at the estate, Princess Gagarin fired the manager of the convict in theft and began to restore the farm. She dreamed of building a castle in honor of her late husband, but she gave all the money to charity. The princess opened a hospital for everyone and looked after the sick in her. She often had guests and on her 70th birthday, her nephew gave her money to build a castle.

In 1902, construction began under the direction of architect N. P. Krasnov. The castle was erected at a fast pace, workers were brought from all over Russia, and building materials were used mainly by foreign ones. The palace was erected on the grounds of ancient German architecture, and the family coat of arms of the princes of Gagarin, on which it is written in Latin: "In antiquity - power". In 1907, the construction of the castle was completed, in the same year Princess Anastasia Orbeliani-Gagarin died.
With the advent of Soviet power, the castle was nationalized and organized by the Utes sanatorium". So a magnificent castle, hiding in the shadow of an ancient park, stood in the eyes of the public. The castle itself has a magnificent front staircase, and the interior is richly decorated with stucco, crystal chandeliers, mahogany furniture, Venetian mirrors. Near the palace there is a church, near which Princess Gagarin rests. You can only get into the castle by buying a ticket to the sanatorium, and taking a walk in the park will not be difficult.