Dubai Fountain

The Dubai Fountain is a magnificent attraction of Dubai, which is a wonderful complement to the huge Burj Khalifa skyscraper. It is located in the middle of an urban artificial lake in the very central part of Dubai. The fountain has just a charming view, its length is as much as 275 meters, and water jets hit 150 meters high. If we compare with a skyscraper, then it reaches its 50th floor.

Dubai Fountain

The Dubai Fountain looks especially beautiful when it is illuminated by multi-colored spotlights. There are more than 6.5 thousand of them.

The construction of this increasingly famous attraction in Dubai was undertaken by the company Emaar, back in 2008. According to estimates, the design cost of the fountain, as well as artificial lake and filters, was approximately $ 218 million. The name of the fountain was determined thanks to the competition, which was specially held here in the same year.

Dubai Fountain

The grand opening of the fountain took place in May 2009. A year later, a statement was made here that the height of the jets can reach as much as 275 meters.

In a second, this fountain can spew approximately 83 tons of water. Its system is equipped with numerous point spotlights, of which there are 6600 pieces, as well as 25 color spotlights. In 2010, the fountain was equipped with the latest equipment, with the help of which the sight became brighter and more attractive, because thanks to it the effect of smoke and fire is created. The strings of the fountain are constantly moving, while drawing various figures. The light that comes from the Fontana Dubai can be seen in 32 km.

You can look at the wonderful fountain dance any day in the evening. It is simply fascinating the musical sound, which serves as an integral accompaniment of the dancing jets of the water of Fontan Dubai.

Dubai Fountain Dubai Fountain Dubai Fountain Dubai Fountain Dubai Fountain Dubai Fountain
Dubai Fountain - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 25.195185
Longitude: 55.27506


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