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Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple is located in Luxor. The temple was founded by Pharaoh Amenhotep III ( or Memnon – the Greek name ) back in 1348-1349 BC, which is dedicated to the god Amon with his family. This huge Luxor temple was hiding under the sand of the desert for a long time, and only 1884 finds appeared. Bu...


Saqqara is a village thirty kilometers from Cairo, whose name went on behalf of the God of the dead Sokar. Here is the Metphis necropolis – of the first Egyptian capital. The length of this village is 7 km, and the width is from 500 to 1500 m. In addition to burial places, there are 11 pyramids belo...


Karnak is an Egyptian village 2.5 km away. from the city of Luxor. At this point, once was the largest city in Ancient Egypt – Fiv, which was the center of religion and architecture. Karnak today – is a museum of long-standing buildings that is located in the open air. There are a lot of structures ...

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel is one of the historical monuments located in Egypt, on one of the banks of the Nile River. It was erected in the second half of the era of the New Kingdom. This temple is easy to recognize from the hefty statues of Pharaoh, which are at his entrance. Even in the early 19th century, this ...

Pyramids Giza

Giza's pyramids are the hallmark of Egypt. This unusual attraction rightfully belongs to the « seven wonders of the world ». The huge creations of time immemorial are on the western side of the Nile River. Here there are about a hundred of them and each of them is different in some way. Small, large...


Baikal is one of the 10 largest lakes in the world and it turns out to be the deepest on planet Earth. Location of the lake - Siberia. The usual depth is 730 m, the greatest – 1637. Baikal has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1996. This lake is also considered the oldest on the planet, i...


Naarden is located in the Netherlands near Amsterdam. The sights of this city are its historical part, which is presented in the form of a fortress with an unusual hexagonal shape resembling a star. This is one of the surviving bastions, which is located in Europe. This fortress with double walls, a...

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains is a national park located in the United States. It belongs to two states - Carolina and Tennessee, which divide it into such districts: Blounty, Sevier and Kok, Swain, Haywood. The reserve is one of the largest protected areas, with a total area of 2109 km2. The National Park ...

Great Basin National Park

Great Basin is a national park in Nevada. It was founded in 1986 on an area of 312 km2. The park was called the Grand Pool - one of the most arid areas of North America. Most of the rainfall falls on winter and summer thunderstorms. The park is known for its Prometheus tree, the oldest tree on the ...

Chandor Gardens

Chandor-Gardens are located in the United States, namely Texas, Weserford. This unusual beauty garden was created by one of the most famous portrait painters of its time, just over 70 years ago. The total area of the park is 16 hectares of land. Douglas Chandor created about 300 portraits, includin...

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