Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains is a national park located in the United States. It belongs to two states - Carolina and Tennessee, which divide it into such districts: Blounty, Sevier and Kok, Swain, Haywood. The reserve is one of the largest protected areas, with a total area of 2109 km2. The National Park was created in 1934 by decree of the US government. Open for hiking in 1940. The Great Smokey Mountains Nature Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Location of the park – the Appalachian mountain range. The rocks of Chilhawi and English Mountain are included in this ridge. Around the ridge are rivers and streams. Rivers such as Little Pijn River, Okonalufti River and Little River are born in the mountains of the reserve. Many water flows run into the Tennessee River. It is not possible not to pay attention to lakes such as Tellico, Chilhawi, Chekhoa and many others.

The name of Great Smokey Mountains Park is associated with the fogs that are the usual picture here, they roll down with smoke clubs from the massif. Thick fog here is a regular guest in the morning, as well as after rains.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

It is in this reserve that the Appalachian Trail is laid, which is the longest route in the whole world. This route stretches along the mountains from Maine to Georgia and the total length of the trail is approximately 3,500 km.

Tourists pay attention to the rock slot, which is located near the path of the "Quartz Cave". They are also presented to them at the top of Chimney-Tops Mountain, naked rocks.

At the top of the Great Smokey Mountains Nature Reserve is an observation tower, which offers guests an indescribable landscape of mighty mountain peaks, beautiful rivers, waterfalls, lakes, as well as a variety of virgin nature.

Great Smokey Mountains Park is more than 90% a forest area. Here are the territories of the pristine forest. There are 142 species of trees growing in the park, and this is more than anywhere else in North America. As a rule, this is a mixed broadleaved forest, the representatives of which are lindens, maples, beech, pine, oak and many others. The bosom is represented by a rich species of flowering plants, of which there are close to 1600, as well as various varieties of mosses and mushrooms. From the first month of spring to the end of autumn, flower glades bloom one after another of unusual beauty: azaleas, daisies, orchids, rhododendrons.

The world of animals, which is represented by wolves, moose, deer, proteins, raccoons, beavers, is very diverse. Entirely, there are close to 65 types of mammals, some of which are endangered species. Many birds, among which there is a cuckoo, a thrush, yellow-fed cherries, a myrtle forest singer, stick their nests in the park.

Great Smokey Mountains National Park is one of the most visited places among tourists. There are 9 million travelers here annually. By attendance, the park is overtaken even by the world famous Yellowstone and Grand Canyon. Tourist routes have been developed for park guests. Cycling lanes, horse riding, electric car trips are also presented. There are many places for picnics, photo shoots, and various activities for children are also presented. In the park there is the opportunity to carry out a memorial wedding ceremony. Souvenir shops, cafes, hotels for every taste and price are also presented for guests.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park Great Smoky Mountains National Park Great Smoky Mountains National Park Great Smoky Mountains National Park Great Smoky Mountains National Park Great Smoky Mountains National Park

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Great Smoky Mountains National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 35.683333
Longitude: -83.533333


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